Why Upvote?

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Avatar for ellimacandrea
4 years ago

I have been writing in read.cash for 2 weeks now. Over the last 2 weeks I receive appreciations, comments and upvotes. I was so encourage to write more original articles. I remembered the first notification I received when I finished registering.

During the time that I joined, I just finished cooking snacks for my nephews and got inspired to write what I cooked for them. Unfortunately, I didn't quite read the rules clearly (my bad and lesson learned) and published it to the only community that I joined. First article and it got rejected!? I was brokenhearted. Who wouldn't be? I thought I only have to join 1 community and submit an article only to that community. I was wrong. While exploring I learned a lot and submitted the article to a different community.

I tried to write more articles. I received appreciation. They said that it's a good article. I received thumbs up and a lot of comments. The points are coming in. At first I didn't know how to use the "Send my money" link. I told myself, I already have the points but why is it not appearing on my wallet as dollars. Then I learned that it is transferred after a few days.

After few hours, the notification bell turned red. I was so shocked on what I read. A username @Cain upvoted my article!!! I was extremely happy. The upvote was transferred on my wallet right away and got $1.36 USD. I felt that read.cash is for real. That I can really earn here if I write good articles. I don't want to forget the first time that I received an upvote here in read.cash so I took a screenshot of it. There are also users that upvoted a lot of my articles here and I want to thank them too. To mention a few @Read.Cash @ErdoganTalk @Telesfor To others not mentioned, I thank you too. Thanks for encouraging me.

Why upvote?

Because of the upvotes I received, today, as of June 20, 2020(though I have been doing this for few days already) I have decided to do this. Moving forward, for all my earnings here in read.cash I will only withdraw a percentage of my earnings and leave a certain percentage on my wallet here to be able to give an upvote to articles that I like. This is to encourage the authors to write more original contents.

So whenever the payments are posted, I have to do some mathematics. Good thing I can use a calculator. 😅. I thought am not here just to take but also to give. Also just posting this in one community to get used to the new rules.

:) @ellimacandrea

Sponsors of ellimacandrea

$ 0.54
$ 0.53 from @Telesfor
$ 0.01 from @jwolf
Sponsors of ellimacandrea
Avatar for ellimacandrea
4 years ago


I was very pleased to read your report. This is exactly why I vote for articles, to motivate the authors. I think that is also the intention of others like Cain or Erdogantalk. The direct voting, even a small one, motivates much more than the anonymous payout from the fund.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Correct. It really motivates authors as we feel that our hardwork is paying off. I am hopeful that with the random rewarder, authors that really works hard get what they deserved.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I think read.cash is working hard to make the reward system as good as possible. I need you to fight cheaters and spam. They need the support of conjugal users like you. Maybe you create your own community on a topic that interests you?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I think so too. I already have a community but it is not a single topic. But I aim to only approve original contents. Thanks for giving me an idea about creating a community with single topic. I'll try to work on that. 😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Is your community a featured community? You should make sure that your community posts are of good quality and fit the topic, then your community will become a featured community. If the current one is bad, create a new one.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are right. I got upvote from @telesfor and @cain. After that , i realize that when i write useful and original content that will be alwayse upvoted and even one can get upvote in their comments too.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That is right. Useful, original and informative contents can get an upvote. Even comments too. Thanks for reading this.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Welcome dear. You are right. Every loyal writter get their prize. Keep writting more like that.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I think upvoted without monetary value also helps the articles to get discovered so the others who are willing to tip can tip the authors.

$ 0.06
4 years ago

I think you have a good suggestion.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

taking sponsors may help moving faster imo...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is also the first time that I added the sponsor box on the article. Hoping someone might notice.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

We can understand that you are doing a great job. I gues you should be happy as people think that you enrich the ecosystem :))

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow! Your writing skills is so good that's why they upvote you. I'm not yet experiencing that, but who knows.. Maybe 1 day it happens 😊. Thanks for sharing that experience. 😉

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I'm not that good. I just try to write properly to be understood by readers. But thanks! You can also do it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago