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Avatar for ellimacandrea
4 years ago

Hi everyone!

It's the second Monday of the month. And it's my 8th day with no work no pay status in our company.

I've always dislikes Monday since it's the first day of the week. First day that I have to go to work again. But the last Monday I had was fun and relaxing.

Just staying at home doing nothing is quite fun... at first. After staying at home for 8 days, I can already feel stressed out. I was worried where to get money for the coming days. I looked for extra income and investments.

Then, I received an email from my boss telling me that I can now come to work next Monday. I was so happy. I became excited for that Monday. I guess I should start liking Mondays and take it as a fresh new start.

Happy Monday everyone! Enjoy!


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