How to cook Bam-i

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Avatar for ellimacandrea
4 years ago

I have 4 nephews and 1 niece. Apparently, eating is one of their favorite hobby. Actually, all of us in the family likes eating. I learned this recipe when I lived in cebu. I was taught by my stepmom. I'm not a professional cook or chef so please bear with me.

First, prepare your ingredients.

  • 1/4 kilo of pork meat minced

  • 2 cloves garlic

  • 2 pcs onion

  • 1 cup soy sauce

  • 3 cups water

  • 1 tbsp sugar

  • 1 carrots

  • 1/2 cabbage

  • 250 grams bihon

  • 250 grams pansit canton

  • 1 cube knorr pork flavor


  1. So today, I used 1/4 kilo of pork meat. I separated the fat and the meat. In a wok put a little water and add the pork fat. Saute until brown and crispy.

  2. Add garlic and onion. Saute until golden brown.

  3. Add the meat. Saute until medium cooked.

  4. Add soy sauce, water, sugar and knorr cube. Let it boil.

  5. Add bihon. Cook for 5 minutes or until the bihon is soft.

  6. Add the pansit canton and mix them together.

  7. Add the carrots and cabbage. Mix thoroughly.

And, tada! It's done. Make sure to partner your Bam-i with some kalamansi. Enjoy!

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Will definitely try this recipe.

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4 years ago