Signs That Your Swimming Pool Needs A Repair

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2 years ago
It's essential to have a clean and clear swimming pool. If your pump isn't working as well as it should be, it can take much longer to fulfill its duties than necessary. The key to getting a good energy flow out of your pool pump is to maintain it properly and change parts. Like any other piece of machinery, if you leave your pool pump unattended, it may result in expensive repairs. That's why you need to keep your pool pump in good condition. 

If your pool shows any of these signs, you might connect with the experts of Pool pump repair

Water Level is Too Low

Your pool pump works by pulling in pool water, which gets pushed back into the pool. Then, using a filtration system like a sand filter or diatomaceous earth filter keeps your pool clean at a constant level. But if you have noticed that your pool's water level is going down, you may have a problem with your pool pump.

Sometimes, debris from around your pool clogs the pump's impeller, turning much like a propeller as it pushes water through the filter. In this case, you will need to remove debris from within the impeller.

Water Pool Around The Pump

If you see water pooling around your pump, it's a sign that it needs urgent repair. Several things can cause leaks to occur near your pump:

  • A broken pump seal/O-ring will cause water to spray from one of the pipes connected to a pump.

  • If a motor shaft is damaged, it can lead to a buildup of water that pools underneath the pump.

  • When there are leaks outside of your pool pump area, you need to fix those leaks before the water gets into the motor and does more damage than good.

Pump Makes Strange Noises

Has your pump started to make unusual noises? Don't worry if you're not getting quite the right sort of pressure out of it. It's probably something that can be easily fixed even if it's inconvenient and might require some hassle; at least you know the problem!

  • If your pump is humming, then this means the capacitor has overheated. Without the capacitor, your pump will not run as consistently as it should.

  • If your pump screeches, rust or oxidation might have damaged the motor. You may also need to replace any worn-out bearings.

  • If your pump rattles, then there might be something in the impeller.

Whatever the cause, strange noises indicate the need for urgent Pool pump repair.

Pump Sucks in Air

When a swimming pool pump sucks in the air, it can lower water levels, affecting the flow of waves and the swimmer's endurance. If you are an inexperienced pump owner, you could find it difficult to know whether an air leak happens. Hiring an expert will then clear up the issue by locating the break-in of your plumbing system.

Pump Works Sluggishly

A sluggish pool pump usually means that a foreign object, such as dog hair or algae, has gotten into the filter or impeller. This lowers your pool's water level and will slow your pump down. If this happens, you'll see the water moving through your pump much slower than usual.

Power Keeps Tripping Out

If your pump breaks down or turns off without an apparent cause, it could just be a matter of water or condensation getting into the machine. Sometimes all that's needed is to change something simple, like the filter. But at other times, you can get pool pump motor problems that may require professional help to identify and repair. 

Is your pool pump in need of urgent repair? Then contact the Rocklin pool repair professionals. Call Prizm Elite Pools today, and we'll help you diagnose and fix your pool pump problem efficiently. 

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