The Figment Learn Notes

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3 years ago

Figment Learn is “the education and onboarding platform for developers interested in Web 3 development.” It aims to provide developers with access to standardized documentation as well as hands-on tutorials to several blockchain protocols.

While I have gone through all of the tutorials they have on offer, I have been taking their “pathways”, a suite of tutorials designed to teach developers how to quickly build their first dapps in the selected protocols even without any expertise in the said protocol.

I just completed the Avalanche Pathway, and I am working on completing the remaining ones (Celo, Near, and Secret). I would be writing about my experience with each one of them, as well as my thoughts on them, and any ideas I may have on building dapps with them. Who knows, I may even write a tutorial or two. I almost forgot: completing the pathways offers developers the chance to earn tokens in the protocol’s native token.

In the mean time, Live Long and Prosper 🖖🏿.

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