How to think like God

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Avatar for elchilin
2 years ago

I wake up every day believing that today will be a better day, that yesterday throughout life people will drive you crazy, they will disrespect you and treat you badly, let God deal with the things they do because if you allow him to enter hatred in your heart will consume you too

We have to understand that each day is a gift from God when this day is over, we can never get it back if we make the mistake of being discouraged, grumpy or bad-tempered negatives, we will have wasted the day. Some people waste year after year being unhappy because someone does not treat them correctly or because they do not get what they want or because their plans are not being fulfilled as quickly as they would like, I have made the decision not to waste another day.

I celebrate each day as a gift from God, I have discovered that most of the time we have what we need to be happy we simply do not have the correct perspective, for example, you may not be happy with the job you have at the moment but if you lose that work and months will go by without receiving any income you would be happy to get it back, no matter how difficult the situation you are going through may seem, happiness is a choice when you wake up in the morning you can choose what kind of day you want to have you can choose to be in a good mood or you can choosing to be in a bad mood is all on your mind.

And everything absolutely everything is in your mind whatever you harbor in your mind will tend to happen in your life if you continue to believe as you have always believed you will continue to act as you always have, you have acted if you continue to act as you have always acted you will continue to obtain what you have always obtained If you want different results in your life or in your work, all you have to do is change your mentality.

Our mind must go through a process of renewal in order to experience God's plan for us, his thoughts are higher than our thoughts so to walk with God and experience his good plans for our lives.

We must learn to think as he thinks it is impossible to change our lives unless and until we change our thoughts when people say they are unhappy or frustrated I say that a mediocre life can be the result of mediocre thoughts, most of the time These people do not understand that they have the ability to make choices regarding their thoughts and that doing so will make a difference in their lives.

You cannot make someone happy, you can make them smile and feel good and laugh but whether that person is happy or not is out of your control.

Protect your dreams, when people cannot do something they will tell you that you cannot do it either you want something go and get it, period, the key is to believe in ourselves to decide what we want to be and what we want to achieve with our life to desire it ardently and then work very hard to put everything of, our part focusing all our effort all our energy dedication

and concentration to achieve it by putting, every day one brick at a time because if you want something if you really want something, then you have to want as much as anyone else to do everything possible to achieve it, being willing to sacrifice many things to take risks to make decisions and take action.

Before someone else believes in your abilities you have to believe it, perhaps you have heard the words you cannot, repeatedly throughout your life many people are good at telling others what they cannot do yet, people to whom you cannot. necessarily, I would consider that they are against you have tried to discourage you from doing something you wanted to do by telling you that you could not do it parents, teachers, coaches. friends and family often do not understand the power that their words have on young lives many children and adolescents grow up thinking that they can not when that is not true at all no matter how many times you have heard someone say no, you can I want to tell you clearly that you can.

I believe that miracles come when you trust God and believe in you, our belief must be that we can do whatever we need to do through God who strengthens us, I believe in you God believes in you and it is time for you believe in yourself today is a new day.

Put back the past and all your negative and discouraging comments negative words and words that speak of failure come from people, who gave up on the way to achieve their dreams not from God so decide at this time not, allow the The power of you cannot influence more, in contrast if you have faith you will have strength that encourages you and will do everything possible to urge you to move forward towards success in every area of ​​your life.

- Remember if you feel discouraged tell yourself

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$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @Lucifer01
Avatar for elchilin
2 years ago


Miracles do happen in life dear. You must have faith. Absolutely right in this concept. Well written. Hey, welcome to the family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Miracles do happen in life dear. You must have faith. Absolutely right in this concept. Well written. Hey, welcome to the family. Thank's my friend regards

$ 0.00
2 years ago