These 3 Sharks Qualify as the Most Dangerous

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In the world there are many types of sharks, in this article you will be able to see the 3 most dangerous worldwide...

1. Great White Shark

The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) is a species of lamniform cartilaginous fish of the Lamnidae family that is found in warm and temperate waters of almost all oceans. This species is the only one of the Carcharodon genus that survives today.

White sharks can live from 40 to 70 years

White sharks are characterized by their fusiform body and great robustness, in contrast to the flattened shapes that other sharks usually have. The nose is conical, short and thick. The mouth, very large and rounded, is shaped like an arch.

It always remains ajar, revealing at least one row of teeth from the upper jaw and one or two from the lower jaw, while water continuously enters it and exits through the gills. If this flow were to stop, the shark would drown due to the lack of opercula to regulate the correct passage of water, and would sink in it, since not having a swim bladder either, it is condemned to be in continuous movement to avoid it.

During the attack, the jaws open to such an extent that the shape of the head is deformed as the jaw detaches from its head, and then close with a force 300 times greater than that of a human jaw.

The teeth are large, serrated, triangular in shape and very wide. Unlike other sharks, they do not have a diastema or reduction of any teeth, but have their entire jaw lined with teeth that are equally capable of grasping, cutting and tearing.

Behind the two main rows of teeth, white sharks have two or three more in continuous growth that replace the frequent loss of teeth with new ones and are replaced by new rows over the years. The base of the tooth is rootless and bifurcated, giving it an unmistakable arrowhead-shaped appearance.

White sharks are quite different from being simple "killing machines", as the popular image (urban legend) holds of them. In order to capture the large marine mammals that form the basis of the adult diet, white sharks practice a characteristic ambush: they sit several meters below the prey, which swims on or near the surface, using the dark color of its back as camouflage with the background and thus becoming invisible to its victims. When it's time to attack, they dash upwards with powerful tail swings and open their jaws.

The impact usually arrives in the belly, where the shark holds tightly to the victim: if it is small, like a sea lion, it kills it on the spot and then swallows it whole.

Although there are only a few cases of captured gravid females, it can be stated that this species prefers to reproduce in warm waters, in spring or summer, and is ovoviviparous.

The eggs, from 4 to 10 or perhaps up to 14, remain in the uterus until they hatch: it is possible that intrauterine cannibalism occurs in the white shark

(with the pups being weaker and the unopened eggs being eaten by their stronger siblings ) in the same way that it happens in other species of lamnids, but for now it is not a fully proven fact. About three or four young, 12 dm long and with serrated teeth, manage to go outside during childbirth and immediately move away from their mother to avoid being devoured by her.

2. Tiger shark

The tiger shark is one of the largest shark species: although on average they usually measure around three meters long, specimens that are close to five have been seen. Its weight is usually around 600 kilograms, although the largest tiger shark ever found exceeded 1,000 kilos.

Tiger shark (Galeocerdo Cuvier)

Although it looks like a huge animal, these are only first impressions: its head is certainly wide, but its body tapers towards the dorsal fin. The tail is thin and narrow in proportion to the head.

The tiger shark is a carnivorous animal and is a hunter.

Its diet is very varied and it feeds on the animals it finds: fish, univalbos, squid, turtles... even marine mammals such as seals or dolphins. You can also get to hunt seabirds. It is undemanding and has a wide variety of prey to feed on.

One of the curiosities of this animal is that if it loses one of its teeth, it will always be able to grow another one to replace the previous one.

Despite its size and the power of its mouth, it does not have an elaborate hunting strategy: everything is limited to the element of surprise. The tiger shark attacks from below while taking advantage of its ability to camouflage with the seabed. He gets under his prey, stalks it and, only when he is sure that he is going to take it by surprise and the prey is not going to escape, does he attack.

The tiger shark is a great regulator of the fauna in certain coral reefs and underwater meadows: with its feeding, but also with its threatening presence, it prevents many of the larger fish and animals from staying too long in these places and degrading the ecosystem.

The tiger shark extends through almost all the seas of the planet, as long as they are temperate waters. It is found mainly on the coasts of the Pacific Ocean, between Japan and New Zealand, but it can also be seen in the Indian Ocean and even in the Atlantic; surrounds the coasts of America and North and Central Africa.

It generally likes warm, near-shore waters. It is not an animal of great depths, since part of its prey is located on the surface or almost on the surface.

3. bull shark

This robust and strong specimen is very territorial and attacks at the slightest provocation. It can reach three and a half meters in length and has quite limited vision, which does not inhibit it when it comes to biting. Its danger also lies in the fact that we can find it in fresh and salt waters. It usually moves at shallow depths very close to the coasts, both in the sea and in rivers, where food is obtained quickly. Some consider it even more dangerous than the white shark, but the unquestionable thing is that its bite is devastating.

Bull shark (Carcharias taurus).

Bull sharks, whose bite is considered the most powerful of any shark species, usually live in marine waters although they also have an unusual ability to adapt their body to fresh waters.

This ability is shared with a very few other species belonging to the Glyphis family, commonly called river sharks, which can be seen in northern Australia.

However, the bull shark is the only species with this extraordinary ability that circulates in the waters of America, although there are also specimens in the Zimbezi River, the fourth longest in Africa, and in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

3.4 meters is the greatest length recorded for one of these specimens.

The kidneys, liver, and rectal gland of bull sharks can gradually adjust to the salinity of the water they are in. When they move to fresh water, their kidneys remove less salt and more urea from the bloodstream through urine, which is considered to be a reverse osmoregulation process commonly experienced by these animals.

The reasons why this species settles in fresh waters remain unknown within the scientific community.

However, Castro points out, there are several theories: that these specimens travel to these waters to get rid of parasites that only live in salty waters or if they do so as a way of ingesting other nutrients that do not exist in the sea.This fish weighs between 90 and 230 kilograms, depending on its age.

This fish weighs between 90 and 230 kilograms, depending on its age.

The fish combines large, sharp teeth, strong jaws, and a wide diet, which includes other marine animals such as dolphins and turtles.

Due to its characteristics, experts qualify it as one of the three species most likely to attack man, along with the tiger shark and the white shark.

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