The Unknown

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3 years ago

In the middle of the winter in the empty streets, it was snowing beautifully. A girl with a long curl hair sat alone at the bus station, her face was hidden by the hat, on her face you could see only beautiful pink lips.

She was looking at cheerful friends, they were sitting in the pub, which was in front of the bus station. They were laughing a lot, just one of them was looking at the empty street from the window. A girl was looking at them and she was thinking, soon the bus came and she went.

The next day she sat again at the same station and started looking at the same friends, there were all friends except that sad boy. A girl was waiting for his appearance, after a few seconds, that boy sat next to her and asked.

Boy - Are you waiting for me?

A girl got frightened, she was not expected to see him there and she stood up surprised, she looked around, stepped back a few steps and asked him in a low voice.

Girl - Did you ask me?

He smiled and asked again.

Boy - Did I scare you?

Girl - yes! It was unexpected.

Boy - sit down, I am not biting.

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3 years ago


beautiful, amazing story

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3 years ago