Proverbs 27:17 KJV
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Having a Godly partner could very well be one of the best things that could happen to a beliver. Your partner also plays a major role in your journey to salvation
Who is my Friend? Who do i relate with?
The kind of people we keep as friends, date or hang out with plays a major role in our relationship with God.
Relationships in our society today plays a majo role in so many people not serving GOD faithfully. We tend to value & worship our partners even more than God, we tend to forsake our duties in the church for dates and flexing
Keypoint 🔑
◼️ Note: as Christians having a relationship, going on dates or having fun is not a crime. It is allowed but it should never replace your relationship with God
◼️ As a Christian your partner should be an encourager
◼️ your partner should be someone who is not just after your happiness but also after your spritual growth.
◼️ your partner should be someone who is willing to party & flex with you but also be willing to fast and pray with you.
When both partners strive for spritual growth it creates love and peace. For wood cannot sharpen iron