Do You Really Love Your God?

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3 years ago

As Christians it is common fact that we love GOD. When we think about all the things He has done in our lives, and the things He would do and how faithful He has been in our lives eGven when we are not. We find it easy to confess with our mouths how much love we have for Him.

daily we confess how much we love him. In our prayers, our talks with friends and families but how much do you truely love Him? It is easy for one to say i love God with our mouth but what does your action say?

Keypoint 🔑 ...

◼️ If you truely love God,what is your personal relationship with Him? Can God boast about you like He did with Job or Abraham in the bible? Do you have a close and personal relationship with Him? What is your convernat with God.

◼️ Are you willing to submit totally to the direction of the Holy Spirit? How well do you freely obey the directions & instructions of the Holy Spirit even when it feel impossible or foolish to obey?

◼️ How often do you study the words of the Person you claim to love? You cannot say you love someone without communication, without trying to understand who the person is. And one of the ways we can communicate and understand God is through the word of God.

◼️ How often do you find your self in the presence of the one you love? When we are in love, we would always want to find ourselves around our love ones, always want to be by their side. How many times do you find your self in Gods presence

◼️ Do you truely love God?


  • John 14:15 KJV

  • If ye love me, keep my commandments.

#eposide one of the evaluation series...

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3 years ago
