What is HIFI Gaming Society & Its Ecosystem

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HIFI Gaming Society is Play to Earn Metaverse platform were gamers are paid for playing games on the HIFI platform. I can say its a one stop gaming platform were you will also find most of the retro games you might think of. Whilst other Metaverse just have their own games, HIFI Gaming Society also integrated other retro games on their platform which makes it a more powerful Metaverse platform as you will have a variety of games to play. It is a BEP-20 token and runs on the Binance Smart Chain.

How Does the HiFi Gaming Platform work?

If you log on to the platform HiFi Gaming Society you will notice that there are different segments which are as follows:

  • Games - This is where all the games are listed and you can chose what you want to play from that list.

  • Stats - This is where you see the amount of HiFi's you have earned from playing games and staking.

  • Ranking - On the Rankings tab you will see all the rankings, from Daily logins, amounts staked, daily challenges, total time played e.t.c.

  • Farms - This is yet to come, but currently you can farm HIFI's on Ape Swap with an APR of 91.74%.

  • Compete - the compete is coming on Monday January 3rd 2022 but currently they are holding community driven competitions every week

  • Staking - On this there are 2 staking options, either you stake to play games or you stake to earn with APR of 51%.

How to Stake, Play & Earn?

Stake & Play. The platform accommodate all, for those who just want to play their old and new favorite retro games without earning  you go on the stake and play tab then stake 1000 HiFi's which is about $4.5. All you have to do is connect your meta-mask wallet on the platform then you click the stake button  and it will prompt you to confirm the transaction in you meta-mask wallet.

Steak & Earn. If you are a gamer who wants to get paid for playing games then you are on the right platform, you just have to stake 10 000 HiFi's on the platform which is about $44.5 and earn a juicy 51% for playing games for just 10mins and if you continue playing for extra 50mins there are other rewards for that. Every gamer need HiFi Gaming Society is their lives to earn a living from playing games.

Boost. This option is for boosting gaming rewards and with this you will accumulate more HiFi's for just playing games. There is Early Adopt Boost (Bronze) for 2000 HiFi's, then there is Power User Boost (Silver) for 5000 HiFi's and lastly the Game Master (Gold) for 10 000 HiFi's.

The above chart shows the amount of HiFi's you will earn for playing games on different level with no and Boosters included. The boosters are more effective if you have been logging in for 60 days and above and this is done to make sure the most loyal HiFivers benefit form that in less time. Currently HiFi Gaming Society is the hottest Metaverse you should not miss.

What more should you expect from HiFi Gaming Society?

The HiFi developers are working day and night to make it the Godfather of the blockchain Games and Metaverse by introducing new and constant updates. They are releasing the following:

"On the 27 of December

 - New API
 - Unity games compatibility
 - Block puzzle (Unity game)
 - High score leader board
 - HiFivers compete “community edition” Block Puzzle
 - HiFivers compete “community edition” 2048
 - Announcement winner Meme competition

Monday January 3rd
 - New Game (Unity game)
 - First official HiFivers Compete 🕹
 - Block puzzle competition

Tuesday January 4th
 - Watch Twitter that day 🙉 (4:30 UTC 🤫)

Early January
 - Announcement HIFI partnership😱"

For these and more constant update check out their social pages, Twitter and Telegram

$ 4.49
$ 4.49 from @TheRandomRewarder
Sponsors of drmudpro
