The Museum of Clean Harvest Host

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1 year ago

Our trip back west from Rock Springs took us to a harvest host in Pocatello Idaho called “The Museum of Clean”. It’s one of those places that seems so strange you just have to see it.

A very clean spot to stay


The parking lot was very level and clean, with a very nice grassy area that Mocha could romp around in, and for use to use a picnic area for dinner that evening. It was rather warm so it was nice sitting in the cool grass.

The Tour

We entered the next morning and the nice gentleman manning the counter gave us our AAA discount, and the rundown of the place. He clued us in that the owner was in that day, none other than the famous Don Aslett, who we found out has been on many well know talk shows over the decades.

He was talking to a group of people so we joined in. We figured what better source of information than the man himself. He went through many of the artifacts and explained their origin and use, quizzing the crowd a couple times to see if we could guess what the article was and what it did.

The Book Signing

He then invited anyone to join him in his office and he’ll give us a book! Kathy asked if he could sign it, he seemed genuinely delighted about being asked. We told him one of our daughters really takes her books seriously, wearing gloves to preserve them and really enjoys collecting them. He signed her name to the book. We wanted to pay back somehow so we got another book, which we went to pay for and after returning, he signed that one for our other daughter as well! It was great chatting with this fellow, a very nice gentleman, and was delighted to hear our daughters still enjoy physical books and were avid readers growing up. He’s a big fan of old fashioned values as are we, and was happy to hear about our daughters (of whom we are very happy with ourselves).

The Museum

There were lots of interesting things to see:

It was an interesting museum, we recommend if you’re passing through and need a night to stay. We’ve noticed just in the last year harvest hosts seem to book up sooner. It seems like we used to be able to call a couple days in advance and get a spot at random places. The harvest host website has started to put calendars on to self reserve, rather than call or text the hosts, so maybe the convenience has contributed to the demand. But we’re finding you probably need to contact hosts a week or more in advance for the more popular ones, depending on what day of the week you’re wanting to stay.

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1 year ago
