Cold Springs Winery Harvest Host

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2 years ago


On our journey over to Wyoming we scored this fantastic harvest host, Coldsprings Winery. Upon pulling up we met this nice older gentleman, who says he is the dad of the owner, and we have a nice conversation out in front of where we parked. His daughter-in-law took off for some errands and left him in charge, and he proceeded to treat us to tasting after tasting after tasting, what a nice man and very generous.

The Tasting

While we tasted wine, another couple came in and we had a very nice conversation, they were very knowledgeable about Florida and the keys, and they have us very excited about our future wintering there. The host served several different types of wine, we chose a few for purchase.

We then took a little stroll around the vineyard, was a very nice evening, it was cooling off nicely.

It was a very enjoyable stay, off to the next harvest host.

$ 0.00
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2 years ago
