Benefits of Karolla / Uchche

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3 years ago

Benefits of Karolla / Uchche

Bitter gourd Scientific name Momordica charantia Cucurbitaceae Bitter gourd is a type of bitter-tasting vegetable. This Southeast Asian vegetable is now spread all over the world, especially in the tropics. It helps in controlling diabetes by lowering the amount of sugar in the blood, keeps the liver healthy, acts as an anthelmintic and also helps in skin diseases.

Karalla is very useful in curing various diseases:

Karalla - Bengalis are more or less familiar with this vegetable. However, the list of dislikes is longer than the list of likes. Many people, especially children, do not want to eat it because of its bitter taste, but to be honest, only food-loving Bengalis understand the real taste of curry !!

Karalla is an excellent food for spring ailments. Apart from this, various diseases including cold, fever, cough and typhoid are seen more during this time. Because, suddenly the heat starts from the cold. So everyone has a little trouble enduring the weather. This fat and sugar free vegetable cleanses the blood. Fight against any contagious or infectious disease. Regularly playing karolla increases the amount of iron in any human body. The juice of karalla and chirata acts as an anthelmintic. It will be very useful to make small children accustomed to eating karalla. Because, the immunity of children is low. Their risk of worm attack is very high. And this vegetable also works against other problems related to hot and cold.

People who are overweight according to age and height have higher blood sugar levels than normal. Karolla is extremely beneficial for diabetic patients, overweight people. Because, it reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. Karalla is a suitable food for patients with hepatic encephalopathy, liver cirrhosis and jaundice. Many pathogens enter our body through the pores of the mouth, nose and ears. By destroying these germs, it also works to increase the nutrition of the skin. Raw coriander has more vitamins, so it is better to eat it raw. In our country, karalla is eaten as a mash-bhaji, curry or soup. The less oil and spices you can cook, the better.

1. Corolla has been used as a medicine for diabetes in China and India and throughout Asia for centuries. It contains plant insulin which keeps blood glucose levels low. Indigenous peoples of the Amazon region of South America have also been using karolla for many years as a medicine for diabetes, flatulence, measles and hepatitis. Has been used to reduce high blood pressure, malaria fever and headaches. Corolla grows in tropical regions. Such as Asia, East Africa, Caribbean Islands, South America. Carrots have twice as much calcium as spinach and twice as much potassium than bananas. There is enough iron, lots of vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber. Vitamin A and Vitamin C are antioxidants that can protect the body's cells and prevent aging! There is also lutein and lycopene. These increase immunity. Lycopene is also a powerful antioxidant.

2. Recent research by the University of Colorado Cancer Center has shown that Corolla is extremely successful in preventing pancreatic cancer. Studies have shown that the application of Corolla juice to human pancreatic cancer cells placed in test tubes has increased cell mortality. But how? Basically, a lot of glucose or sugar is needed for the growth of fast growing cancer cells. Corolla regulates glucose metabolism by increasing the secretion of insulin. As a result, the cancer cells cannot grow and die. In the same way, Karolla controls diabetes. It also reduces blood fats and triglycerides. And good cholesterol raises HDL. Effective role in controlling blood pressure. Karalla also has a fair weight as an anthelmintic.

3. Corolla is equally effective as a virus killer. Hepatitis A, strong resistance against herpes virus, flu, etc. Can prevent liver cancer, leukemia, melanoma etc. Corolla's laxative keeps the bowel soft, and relieves constipation. Effective against germs - especially E. coli. As a result, diarrhea is also prevented.

4. Karolla is also very effective in preventing various skin diseases. Corolla juice enhances liver function, can play an important role in purifying the blood. There is another common name of Karolla in Bangladesh - 'Usta'.

5. The taste of fried karolla-potato with more onion can be easily eaten with a plate of rice. Or shrimp with karalla, karalla chachchari with dal or makho makho karalla with hilsa kuto kuto… Ah! And the taste of frying karalla with hilsa or rui fish eggs will stick to the mouth once eaten. All these foods are a perfect example of the diversity of Bengali taste. Maybe Karalla is ugly bitter. But this is the taste of being bitter. It is good to know that if the food starts with bitterness, it increases the activity of certain enzymes in the mouth. As a result food is digested quickly and easily. And that's why it's helpful in weight control.

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3 years ago


Amazing article

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3 years ago

thank you so much dear

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3 years ago