Immersive Journalism in the Metaverse
Immersive Journalism in the Metaverse:
5 years ago, I travelled to Mumbai, landing right as the 'monsoon' season kicked in. The plan: To immerse (pun unintended) audiences in NEWS and factual storytelling, in Virtual and Augmented reality.
Fragments of Time:
Now 5 years later, the Metaverse affords us an opportunity to "collectively" be immersed in a virtual space, to "relive" NEWS-worthy events that played out in the past, or in-situ, via newer tech advances such as Nvidia NeRF to experience fragments-of-time, via Cell-phones and 5G Augmented Reality and soon, mixed reality eyewear and video see-thru headsets such as #MetaCambria
The Metaverse: More than Crypto-wallets and Land-parcel sales.
You'll probably understand why I'm not impressed with what grifters are doing to the metaverse - bastardizing and degrading it to nothing more than pixelated NFT galleries with blocky avatars running around on minecraft like terrain (it's easier to register and trade blocky 'land parcels'?)
Today's servers are very capable of running higher fidelity Metaverses. Look no further than the almost 2 decades old SecondLife for an example of a tokenomics driven e-commerce metaverse. That should be the bare-minimum we scale up from.
The Metaverse Oasis: Connecting Minds
Building immersive experiences for massive CCUs (concurrent users) to visit, learn from the past or talk about the present to drive collaboration and "connect minds". This, is how we evolve to better understanding, tolerance (I don't like that word, it sounds compromising) and evolving past our biases to create a better future.
Trivia and Further reading / viewing:
- For in-the-Field Reporters: The video above shows field testing of a stereoscopic Weather-proof VR camera for Reporters, created at the Times TV (India) Immersive Media incubator. In the Metaverse, a traveler can 'enter' a so-called spherical portal to experience, in full 3d and via a VR headset- such slices of life in an immersive format.
- XRMetaverse : Just released tech to explore for Immersive Journalism - Nvidia Nerf
As you can imagine - this is game changing in how we will experience or "live" the NEWS in the Metaverse.