Invite traffic to your blog, some easy and effective tips

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2 years ago

Starting a blog these days is made easy with platforms like WordPress, and Google, But once it's up and running, getting more traffic to your blog or website is the next big challenge. Do not worry, You can easily increase your blog traffic to get more visitors using proven best practices.

in this article, I'll share the easiest and most tested tips to increase your blog traffic like a professional marketer. Unlike other articles on increasing blog traffic, we only share tips that I personally used to increase website traffic to millions of page views per month.

Ready? Start.

Website push notifications allow visitors to stay in touch after they leave your website so they can come back. Top 5 traffic sources for WPBeginner.

We use a tool called PushEngage. Premium software is highly recommended for all bloggers, website owners, and e-commerce sites.

This allows you to send hard-to-miss notifications to your visitor's mobile or desktop devices, resulting in significantly higher engagement rates than social media or email. The best part is that you can engage with your visitors even after they leave your site.

Not many website owners know about this tactic as it has been difficult to set up in the past. PushEngage made this easy. Here's how to add web push notifications in WordPress.If you do this, any of the tips below will compound your traffic growth!

1. Create audience profiles to understand users

Before you start writing blog content, it's important to spend some time understanding your target audience and what they're looking for. Answering the following questions will help you quickly build your target framework.

Who is your target audience?

What issues can you help solve?

What content are they looking for?

How would they ideally try to find answers to their questions?

Answering these questions will help you better understand your target audience.

2. Do keyword research to plan your content strategy

Keyword research is a technique used by content creators and SEO experts. It helps us find specific words and phrases that users type into Google and other search engines to find the content they are looking for.

Doing proper keyword research can help you:

Discover the real search terms people are looking for.

Find unique content ideas in popular searching.

Learn from your competitors and win with better content.

Create a series of pillar articles to drive steady traffic to your blog.

Now the question is, how do you do keyword research? Fortunately, it's not as difficult as you might think.

Many free and paid keyword research tools can help. Like SEMRush, Ahrefs, and google keyword planners are the best tools for your content strategy.

Just enter your keywords, competitor blog/website URLs, or your own to find more keyword ideas.

3. Create an Edit Calendar

Numerous blog post ideas will come to mind when you do your keyword research.

Sometimes, many keyword lists can overwhelm beginners and simply give up.

We recommend that you create an editorial calendar (game plan) to prevent this from happening. Remember, a big blog isn't built in a day.

Creating a successful blog takes time and consistent effort.
Creating an editorial calendar will help you create and adhere to your plan.
There are many useful tools you can use, such as Asana and Trello.

4. Create Inclusive and Useful Content

The most important thing users and search engines look for is quality content.

For blogs, quality content is usually comprehensive articles on a specific topic that cover all the details. This is very useful for users.

These generic articles are called "pillar articles". Other experts may call it flagship content or cornerstone articles.

The most important article. You need to choose the most promising keywords and then provide as much information as possible in one long-form article.

You should write as many column articles as possible to cover all the important keywords in your industry.

5. Create readable content

Search engines and users love longer, all-inclusive articles that provide all the information they need.

The problem now is that human attention spans are short.

A slight difficulty reading or understanding puts the user on hold and the user leaves without seeing all the useful information you provide.

To fix this before it happens, you need to make all your content legible.

6. Learn SEO basics and apply them to your website

SEO is a collection of best practices to help make your website search engine friendly. You don't have to be an 'SEO expert' to improve your website.

Contrary to popular belief, anyone can perform SEO on their website without hiring an expert. There are many SEO tools and plugins available, free advice, and step-by-step tutorials.

We recommend using the All in One SEO plugin for any WordPress website. The most comprehensive SEO and website optimization tool. The free version includes all the SEO features you need for your website.

You can learn everything you need to know about SEO in our complete WordPress SEO guide for beginners. It includes step-by-step instructions and is the same SEO setup we use on our website.

7. Learn to write great headlines

When users find your content in search results or an RSS feed, the first thing they see is your article headline.

A catchy blog post title stands out and gets more clicks. Plain and boring headlines are ignored and users are more likely to scroll.

This makes headlines very important.
You need to learn how to write better blog post titles that grab users' attention and drive more clicks.

Luckily, blogging experts have been doing headline research for a very long time and can benefit from the results.

8. Making internal connections a routine task

Now that you've started creating good content, it's important to link existing blog posts to articles. This is called internal linking and plays a big role in SEO.

Why is internal connectivity important?

Internal links help Google understand the context and relationships between different articles on your website. We then use this information as a ranking signal.

Strategic and contextual placement of internal links can help increase page views and reduce bounce rates.

It is more difficult to request a link to an article on a third-party website. It is much easier to create a link on your site.

9. Join the online community

Online communities are a great source of traffic, primarily because you've already engaged users who are interested in the topics you discuss on your blog.

You can find smaller communities on Reddit, LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, YouTube communities, and more.

Pro tip: Don't start posting links to articles. This is called spam and a moderator immediately blocks you.

You should spend time building your reputation, answering questions, participating in discussions, and sharing your website only when appropriate.

10. Tracking website traffic and user engagement

Now that you're starting to get traffic, you need to know where your users are coming from and what they're doing when they're on your website. Without this data, you cannot evaluate your strategy or plan your next move.

This is where Google Analytics comes in. You can track website visitors and view traffic reports, engagements, and other user activity on the website.

The great thing about using Google Analytics is that you can see what users are doing when they visit your website. See our article on using Google Analytics to track user engagement on your website.

There are more pro tips to invite traffic and get ranking on search engain but initially, these basic tips are really useful for everyone and quite simple to understand, so learn and start to enjoy more effectively running your blog.

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