Under the Matterhorn

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Avatar for dexpartacus
4 years ago

Hey buddies!

Last week I was lucky to go in Cervinia to visit some friends, I will take you to the gates of the village and its surroundings, among meadows and tunnels, paths and dirt roads in the middle of the woods, so you too can admire part of the splendid panorama that has appeared before my eyes!

This is the first time I shoot a movie and then I add music to accompany the images. I looked for music that would suit my footage while paying attention to copyrights, so I opted for YouTube Audio Library, which is very useful for this kind of thing.

Here's the result, enjoy watching and I hope you like it, let me know in the comments what do you think about it!

$ 0.07
$ 0.07 from @TheRandomRewarder


Eccomi, caro Dex, pronto a leggere il tuo post, accidenti che luoghi che hai a disposizione, tanti anni fa sono venuto a Cogne per trascorrere una settimana molto rilassante e rigenerante, ricordo ancora che a metà luglio si dormiva la notte con la copertina!!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Grazie Mad! Troppo un mito!! Eh già, copertina sempre per di qui, o almeno il lenzuolo! Cogne è fantastica!!😉✌️

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Eccomi qua, ricordo che ho dormito negli alloggi che erano destinati agli ex-dipendenti delle miniere...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for this video. It makes sense a lot and the natural features are appreciated. Thanks.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Beautiful video

$ 0.00
4 years ago