The Theology Of Fruitology: Introduction Part 1

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4 years ago


"Herein is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit: so shall you be My disciples." John 15:8.

Beloved, if I say that this is one of the greatest books you will ever read in your entire life time, I would not be mistaken.


Because this book and everything about it are inspired by God.

It is actually a surprise to me, as it is only the Mercy of God that has qualified me to receive it. But what does the word of God say?

"But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, has God chosen, yes, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: that no flesh should glory in His presence." 1 Cor 1:27-29.


On the 2nd day of July, 2018, during a 40 day encounter with the LORD at the altar of Revival Resort Ministries, Ubomiri, Imo State, Nigeria, where I prayed for the Church and Nigeria, the LORD began to speak to me.

Before that day, I used to hear the still small voice of the Holy Ghost with my spiritual ears either in a dream while sleeping, in a trance while awake, or openly as if someone whispered into my ears physically.

But this time around the LORD spoke to my heart. It was as if my heart became a notebook and He was stamping the words on it with an ink stamp. It was simply indelible and altogether a new and awesome experience to me.

He said I should start looking around my environment. I quickly suspended the praises and prayers I was engaged in, and started turning this way and that way. I saw a tall palm tree, and He spoke about it. I saw some grasses, cassava crops and so many other things. Finally, I noticed some ants whose nature, I cannot explain. And the LORD spoke about them, referring me to Prov 6:6-8, which says:

"Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provides her meat in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest.".

The LORD spoke to me about other things also and made me to understand that everything He created on this earth are bringing glory to His name by fulfilling the purpose for which He created them, except man.

When I learnt this, I felt sorry and ashamed.

Then the LORD began to talk to me about fruits. He said that everything He has created bears fruit.

Then He started talking to me about the types of fruits that exist. 

The LORD also made me to understand that He created man, in a way that every part of him (spirit, soul and body) should bear fruit that will bring glory to His name.

I am a forgetful person by nature; so I began to wonder how I could retain such heavy knowledge from the LORD.

Then the LORD stepped in again and said I should write everything down as a book. He called it "The Theology of Fruitology" and that I could add the subtitle "How To Bear Fruit That Will Last For Eternity" if I chose.

Beloved, I was bamboozled by all these, because until then I have never read, heard or seen the word "Fruitology". As a matter of fact, I have never fully understood the meaning of theology. God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and all the host of heaven bear me witness to this fact.

So I went into another round of worship, thanking the LORD for the knowledge He had shared with me. Then I went home and wrote down the things the LORD had taught me. You see, whenever the LORD speaks or reveals something, one is compelled to praise and worship Him, regardless of whether it is good or bad.

I also went online, to find the meaning of "Fruitology". 

I found some definitions of the word "Fruitology", a blog and some videos in which a man of God was teaching on the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. 

Later, the LORD made me to understand that "Fruitology" has to do with spiritual fruits and not physical fruits; but that there is a relationship between the two. He referred me to Gen 2:16-17.

Then the LORD made me to understand that the fruit of the Holy Spirit is only one among the numerous types of spiritual fruits in existence.

After this encounter, I have been receiving more knowledge from the LORD on the issue of fruitology.

Whenever I pray, praise or study God's word, He gives me more knowledge on what to write even from scripture.

I can say God made me a writer from my mother's womb, with the natural ability to edit any written material (Especially in English/Igbo languages). I have the ability to read majority of hand writings. Maybe that is why my handwriting isn’t quite good. I wrote several books during my childhood. But I never got around to publishing any one of them. Maybe I wrote them just for fun or the love of writing; my relatives used to scold me for writing too much in those days. I remember burning a collection of 150 poems because I had no encouragement at all from my family. 

However, these books did not glorify God’s name, as they were worldly in nature. 

I'm not telling you all these to make you think highly of me. Rather it is to make you understand the enormity of this book. 

I have had several revelations in which I was writing a book, but I never took them seriously.  Before now, I have never asked God to give me a book to write, until the vision-bearer of Revival Resort Ministries, (Evang. Mrs. Georginia Anyanwu) encouraged me to ask God to give me a book to write. I heeded her advice and prayed once. This book is the result of that prayer; God’s idea that came by revelation, not man’s idea.

​We have come to the end of part one of the introduction. The last part of the introduction will come up tomorrow. Tighten your seatbelts, because you're in for an adventure of a spiritual nature.

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4 years ago


Jesus is indeed Risen! I like the title of your book. Fits very well to bearing fruit. The holy spirit is precious doing the work of the Lord. Keep moving in faith as your posts describes.

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4 years ago