What you must know about Sleep Apnea treatment?

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2 years ago

If you are experiencing issues like snoring, difficulty in breathing while sleeping, getting up in the morning with a headache or feeling fatigued after a night’s sleep, this may be associated with sleep apnea. A medical professional will identify it and give you the treatment accordingly but before that let’s know more about it.

4Sleep Apnea is basically of three types which obstructive, central and complex. In the case of obstructive sleep apnea, the patient breathes shallowly while sleeping. In central, breathing stops and begins again. In complex sleep apnea, the sufferer shows the symptoms of obstructive apnea but the situation shifts to central apnea when given treatment with a device.

If sleep apnea is not treated, risk of heart attack increases along with high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, and obesity. You are even unable to focus on your work because you are sleepy. It creates havoc in your life.

Sleep apnea treatments

Below given are some of the treatments for Sleep Apnea:

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)

CPAP has proven to be one of the best sleep apnea treatments. It’s actually a mechanical device that makes use of air pressure so that the upper airway is kept open while sleeping. The working of this device is by placing an attachment on the nose that is airtight. It is connected to the blower and tube and pressure is created. In the beginning, you may find it noisy and uncomfortable, but it gives the best results.

Surgical treatment

Different kinds of surgeries are also performed for eliminating this disorder like removal of tonsils, repositioning the jaw, positioning the tongue, etc.

Dental devices

Dental devices are an alternative option for those who can’t take CPAP. This dental device repositions the jaw so that the tongue and soft palate is brought forward.

If you are looking for a Sleep Apnea Dentist Near Me in Kuna, visit us at Deluxe Dental (Kuna) and get the best sleep apnea treatments. We have experts in this field who can rectify your issue and give you sound sleep.

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