Weekly Development Updates for D.Buzz - Today: URL MAGIC and Counters!

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2 years ago

Weekly Development Updates for D.Buzz - Today: URL MAGIC and Counters!

Hello, fans and friends of D.Buzz!

This week, we’ve made a lot of updates to the site. These include a few new features, but also we worked towards increase the functionality of some of our previously released features. This is all with the goal of always fine-tuning and moving D.Buzz forward.

Keep in mind that we do have our testing server https://next.d.buzz/ where we roll out and test new features. After these features have been vetted and bugs have been worked out, we then push those updates to the main stable platform at https://d.buzz/. A lot of the time when we're talking about new updates and features, these are new features we released and rolled out to https://next.d.buzz/.

One exciting update we are releasing today is that the first three hyperlinks in a buzz, will not count towards the 280-character limit. We hope with this particular feature implemented, authors can focus more on using the 280 characters for more storytelling and richer experiences.

What counts as a URL? This can be anything that links to a web page, from another buzz, a long URL, or even an Image URL... the first 3 URL links, will not be counted towards the overall 280 characters. Awesome right?

Speaking of character counts, we've also added a character counter to the comments section of a buzz... This way you know how close you're getting to the 280-character limit for responses. Again you can add three URLs in those responses and not have that counted towards your character count.

We've also supported video embed support for https://FreeWorldNews.tvhttps://dollarvigilante.tv, and videos from @dapplr! This is on top of an already growing list of supported video platforms. If you have a platform you like us to work on embedding, let us know in the comments or reach out to us on discord.

Lastly, we did a bit of organization to our menu items by grouping some functions into menus to make them easier to navigate. Were always looking for feedback on ways to make the platform more streamlined.

Below you'll find the complete list of updates as well as what features we now have lived on the main https://d.buzz platform and what is on the https://next.d.buzz platform.

Complete Lists of Updates for the Week.

Server: https://d.buzz

Version: 3.15.0



  • Fixed username redirect.

  • Fixed TikTok embeds.

  • Fixed draft not clearing when the Buzz is published.

  • Fixed overlap of the logout button.

Server: https://next.d.buzz

Version: 3.18.0-dev



Thanks for joining us on this adventure!

  • What do you think of today's updates?

  • What are you most excited about?

  • Do you have any updates you would like to see in the future?

D.Buzz over and out.

D.Buzz is ...

Is a censorship-resistant short form microblogging platform that empowers you to share your thoughts in 280 characters or less.

Censorship resistant and built for the community with love.

We strive to have fun and neutral stance on topics. If you have any concerns with the content, please contact @jacuzzi, who writes and generates the content for our articles, or the @dbuzz team for clarification.

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2 years ago
