Recap of this Week's Posts by D.Buzz Vol.94

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Recap of this week's posts by D.Buzz
For the week ending on 4/17/2022 | Vol. 94

What's buzzing, friends?!

Homework is the bane of every child's existence. It's the one thing that can ruin a perfectly good day. It's the thing that makes kids dread going to school. It's the thing that makes kids want to pull their hair out. But, alas, homework must be done.

When it comes to homework, kids come up with some pretty crazy excuses not to have it. One kid might say that their dog ate their homework, while another might say that they didn't do it because they were too busy playing video games. Whatever the excuse, it's usually something that's pretty far-fetched!

Let's assume you are a teacher. What would you say to a student who told you "I was snowboarding in the woods and got lost, so my friend and I had to burn our homework to keep warm till help arrived". We are sure you would roll your eyes and say "Sure, sure, you have detention".

99% of the time, those eye rolls would be the correct response. However, this was a true story of two boys who were in the backcountry near Nelson, B.C, snowboarding. They went for a run down the backside of the mountain at Whitewater Ski Resort, then got lost.

Having only their homework on hand, they used it for heat until help arrived the next day. You can read the full story here.

So next time one of your students tells you a far-fetched tale, perhaps they are telling the truth? One thing is for certain however, the weekly update from D.Buzz is below, all you have to do is read it for a passing grade. :P

Painful memories... but we got to do it!

Last Sunday

Here's a link to the previous recap post from last Sunday. >> 4/10/2022 <<

Read it here:


It is all about pets this week. We love them, we want to pet them and love them all day long! This week, post some photos and tell us about them for your chance at winning 10 HIVE! WOOT!

Read it here:


Development is moving forward; integration is happening. Maybe a few setbacks, but more forward than back. #winning.

Read it here:


Pawesomeness-picks... It’s like a newspaper that only gives you the best of the best, without the unnecessary clutter or sensationalism.

Read it here:


@fruityfruitz - they love fruit, people, and have a passion for life. We suggest you follow them and say hello. :D

Read it here:


@lauramica is back with the next installment of our Photo Friday posts. With the letter 'c' now finished, it's onto the letter 'd'. Take some photos and have a shot at landing 10 HIVE in your wallet!

Read it here:


The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the flowers are blooming. Spring is here and it's time to go enjoy it! Get out there and smell the flowers, take a hike in the woods, or just sit in the park and soak up the sun. This is the time of year to be outside, so don't waste it!

Read it here:

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See you all on Monday!

- The D.BUZZ

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2 years ago
