Recap of this Week's Posts by D.Buzz Vol.146

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1 year ago

What's buzzing, friends?

Sometimes we all have "bad days”, but imagine sneezing for 978 consecutive days!

It happened to Donna, a little girl who couldn't stop sneezing in 1981. Can you think about how such a thing would impact your life? Despite her condition, Donna persevered and kept living her life, but with a unique challenge.

Doctors tried many things but nothing seemed to work, until one fateful day in September 1983, the sneezing just miraculously stopped! Donna's unique story is an example of human resilience and strength in the face of incredible adversity. Source

But you go and share this remarkable event; make sure to catch up on this week's posts from the DBuzz community! We had an exciting week with posts ranging from the new ZAP fiction short story challenge to a community highlight of a superb DBuzz supporter, So sit back, relax, and join us on a journey of inspiration and creativity by reading our new articles!

Happy Sunday!

Ahhhhh Chhooooooooooo .....

Last Sunday

Here's a link to the previous recap post from last Sunday.

Read it here:


This week's DBuzz Social Challenge invites community members to participate in the #DBuzzSpringClean challenge. This challenge encourages individuals to share photos and stories of their spring cleaning efforts and is a celebration of the annual spring clean. With seven days to post their submissions accompanied by the hashtag #DBuzzSpringClean, members can showcase their organization skills and enjoy the shared experience of decluttering and deep cleaning.

Read it here:


This week's DBuzz weekly news update has a range of exciting developments, from educational threads to podcast features, UX updates, and community events. :D With a new educational thread and podcast-sharing feature recently added to the platform and UX updates on the way to return to the original vision of a minimalistic, microblog alternative, users can expect more streamlined user experiences. Other great highlights include the upcoming orientation for newbies, hosted events and giveaways, making for a fun and engaging platform. Read the news for more updates!

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This week's DBuzz roundup features an eclectic mix of fun content. Beat the heat with a cool spring getaway shared by @workplays-002, or get in the summer fling vibe with the romantic film "Set It Up" as suggested by @whitneyalexx. Additionally, learn how to create a cozy and playful hula-hoop hammock as shared by @gatubela. For pet lovers, @alejandrabm shared the inspiring story of Lorenza, a resilient and happy parrot, while the adorable duet cats shared by @sunny-chuni will win over anyone's heart with their rhythmic meows. Let this post of content brighten up your day - check it out at the link!

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This week's DBuzz article highlights a member of our vibrant community - Kenny Owano, aka from Davao City, Philippines. Kenny joined Hive in June 2021 and has been an ardent supporter of DBuzz. Apart from being a great guy who spreads smiles, Kenny also made a DBuzz-branded motor trike which impressed us all! We adore his spirit of helping others unconditionally, and we wanted to take a moment to celebrate his positivity and contributions to our community. Follow him to see and appreciate his awesomeness yourself!

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This week, DBuzz introduces a new weekly challenge: the ZAP fiction short story challenge. With its limited character count, DBuzz is the perfect platform to share short, snappy sci-fi stories that pack a punch. So let your creativity soar and participate in this exciting challenge - this week's prompt is "Then Chaos Erupted..."! And congratulations to @naniplayergamer for winning the Architecture Photo Challenge with a stunning landscape photo. Stay tuned for more fun and creative challenges on DBuzz!

Read it here:


DBuzz's On-The-Spot Rewards program has been going for 130 weeks, and we want to celebrate with you! This week's program features some stellar buzzes from DBuzzers, including exotic tropical vibes from @ditoferrer's Cuba photo, a tranquil moment of Sunset and Silhouettes by, @landrover007's green-field walks with KitKat, unexpected beach moments captured by @erelasblog, and a refreshing park walk talked about by @iyanpol12. Keep the creative buzzes coming, and we look forward to rewarding great content on DBuzz!

Read it here:

Thanks for spending your Sunday with us at D.Buzz!

Thanks for being an active reader here on our blog.
As we move forward, we aim to build a stronger community.

  • If you have suggestions on what we can do better, please let us know.

See you all on Monday!

- The D.BUZZ

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A censorship-resistant short-form microblogging platform that empowers you to share your thoughts in 280 characters or fewer.

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1 year ago
