Recap of this Week's Posts by D.Buzz Vol.112

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2 years ago

Recap of this week's posts by D.Buzz
For the week ending on 8/28/2022 | Vol. 112

What's buzzing, friends?

If you're reading this, chances are you're doing so in English. But did you know that English is only the third most spoken language in the world? In fact, there are over 7,099 languages spoken across the globe (source), and each one is a window into the culture of the people who speak it. Just think - every time you learn a new word in a different language, you're expanding your understanding of the world and the people in it.

When it comes to international sporting events, a wide range of languages can be heard. Players from all around the world come together to compete, and each brings their own native language with them. It can be quite a challenge to understand what everyone is saying, but it's all part of the fun unless you are an umpire at the prestigious Wimbledon tennis games.

At Wimbledon, there is a strict rule that the players are not allowed to swear. If they do, they will get penalized points and could be fined up to $20,000!!! This presents a unique challenge for the umpires. With players from around the world, umpires need to be versed in many swear words, so they will know if a player is cursing.

It's rumored that the umpire gets a list of swear words they will have memorized before a match, and then they keep their ears and eyes open!

“We are given a list of all the swear words in different languages – if I hear an expletive in French or Russian, that’s a code breach.” - Wimbledon umpire Bernadette Halton

Wow, just think about that - how many bad words these umpires must know? You can read more about this story on the webpage HERE.

No matter if you are a walking lexicon of bad words or just someone who knows a few, that is ok. You can still read this week's recap of the post by scrolling down. No fines are fees to worry about. :D

"Oh Fudge?" - That will be a $20,000 fine, sir.

Last Sunday

Here's a link to the previous recap post from last Sunday.

Read it here:


Take home 10 HIVE if you win by telling us what fabulous fun new feature you would want on DBuzz in this week's Monday Mission!

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We all use social media, but we may not be using it to its full benefit. Today, let's talk a bit about how you can be more active on social media to reach your goals.

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Pawesomeness-picks… It's like getting a coffee at the drive-through, but the car in front of you paid for your drink. #YES!

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@juliansokto is a remarkable person who shares their perspective about life with the DBuzz family. Photos of nature, family, and adventure keep us coming back for more!

Read it here:


@lauramica’s Friday photo challenges! "W" is here! There are so many great things about the letter "W". For one, it's a very versatile letter. It can be used as a consonant or a vowel, which makes it perfect for all sorts of words. It also has a very distinct sound, which is why it's one of our favorite letters. Additionally, the letter "W" is associated with some of our favorite things, like water and winter. Overall, the letter "W" is just the best!

Read it here:


Hey everyone! Check out these great posts from our community members. We love seeing such fantastic content, and appreciate all the hard work our community puts in. Keep it up!

Read it here:

Thanks for spending your Sunday with us at D.Buzz!

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See you all on Monday!

- The D.BUZZ

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2 years ago
