On The Spot Reward Summary, Week 90

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1 year ago

What's the good word, D.Buzz fam?

Welcome to Saturday.

When you think about it, a lot can happen in a day. You can wake up and feel like you're on top of the world, or go to bed feeling like you've accomplished nothing. You can meet someone new and make a lifelong friend, or you can lose touch with someone you've known for years. You can have the best day ever, or you can have the worst day ever. But no matter what, a lot can happen in a day.

This week on DBuzz, many stories were posted about people, and their lives, stories, adventures, and more. Reading them is quite fascinating. From the normal experiences people have to the more absurd, they’re all there for us to see and read.

No matter how your day goes, you must get it started correctly. With that, @ugomarcel has the perfect method - a delicious-looking cup of moringa for them. Moringa is a tree that is native to India. The leaves, flowers, and seeds of the moringa tree are highly nutritious, and are often used in traditional Indian medicine. Moringa leaves are a good source of vitamins A, C, and E, and contain high levels of antioxidants. Nice!

@farmboy-boss got their day started most epically by tending to the growing life in their garden. Growing plants, your hands in the dirt, colorful garden... Wow, what a way to start the day!

Perhaps you are more of the type of person like @juliansokto and would rather take a nice look at flowers, such as the glamorous flower they took a photo of. That will be a sure-fire way to start your day.

We all have some days that are stressful as well. Take some time for yourself. @reidenling90 did this at the spa with what looks like a very relaxing experience.

@richardslater spent some of their time enjoying the window reflections in the harbor's water. Watching the light rays dance like ballerinas on top of the water. These things fill us with inspiration and joy.

Sometimes, even the more scary horror in the world can be cute. Just ask @littlesorceress who made the ender of worlds Cthulhu into a delightful little squishy toy to pet. Now, Cthulhu only destroys your frowns.

If you are anything like us, @nareebun or @usagidee, a nice meal will do wonders in making your day fun and interesting, filling you up with present memories that will become a part of you.

We also cannot forget that life has many colors - so many more than we can even see. We can see the stunning birds that @tommyl33 captured in a photo and be reminded that it's not all so gray.

At the end of your busy day, no matter what you did, enjoy the time just like @flordecar26 who watched the sunset, and reflect on your day.

Enjoy the weekend. :D

The changing seasons and recorded time.

#90 (Starting | 7/11/2022)












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In exchange for being a sponsor, we would thank you on each reward post, i.e. "This reward is brought to you by X", and thank you on our weekly summary.

How do you earn an On-The-Spot Reward?

  • Quite simple! Post quality content on D.Buzz. :D

Looking for inspiration?

You can also jump in on the 30-day Buzzing challenge.
Start today and see where it takes you. ;)

  • 30-Day Challenge Level I : GO LV 1

  • 30-Day Challenge Level II : GO LV 2

  • 30-Day challenge Level III : Go LV 3

  • 30-Day challenge Level IV : Go LV4

What did you discover this week that you liked? Let us know in the comments section below!

And as always, keep on Buzzing!

Thanks! As always, thanks for reading and being part of our ever-growing community. D.Buzz is a platform for you, for the community.

- The D.BUZZ

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A censorship-resistant short-form microblogging platform that empowers you to share your thoughts in 280 characters or fewer.

Censorship-resistant and built for the community with love.

We strive to have a fun and neutral stance on topics. If you have any concerns with the content, please contact @jacuzzi who writes and generates the content for our articles, or the @dbuzz team for clarification.

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Written by
1 year ago
