Dbuzz 5 Featured  Amazing content Creators Year 2 volume 37 ESM Badge of Pawesomeness

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10 months ago

These are the content creators that show their awesome talents and excellent work and were chosen by the Dbuzz community to be featured in our ESM badge of  pawesomeness.

DBuzz's Epic Smile Maker ,  Emotional well-being through Aromatherapy by @ akippon, , shared this gameplay on PAYDAY The Heist, @alexim’s creativity of a car pencil holder, homemade style gelatin-like drink as shared by @tibisayq23 and  @singa’s mind-tripping flower sketches.

Here at DBuzz, we want to help support the Hive community and its content creators grow through engagement with other users in the DBuzz community.

So if you've been given a badge of Pawesomeness, I'm thrilled to say you've gotten a chance to be featured in the weekly roundup of posts with the help of DBuzz's Epic Smile Maker #ESMpicks.

NOTE: The following article was written by a guest blogger. The views expressed are not directly from or endorsed by DBuzz. Please let us know in the comments if you have any concerns or questions, or reach out to us on Discord.

Thank you, and keep up the excellent work for your chance to be in the next round of featured articles!

Internet's down since the weekend, so this week's article is more of a wildcard round of features starting with making this fast due to unstable mobile data, so here's @singa’s mind-tripping flower sketches which I first thought to be the real deal just by checking out the thumbnail, so imagine my surprise at seeing these were created instead by hand! (◍ꈍUꈍ)

Image from @singa’s post

Rolling in with another skillset of creativity is a car pencil holder as shared by @lexim. It’s really cool to have on a table especially as a kid, so it might also be a clever way to encourage a child to have fun with their box of creativity, all stored in a whimsical creation. (๑ゝω・)

Image from @lexim’s post

All that creativity and using actual brain cells to get creative real quick definitely sounds needing some refreshment to curb any growing stress or just to battle the heat, and what better way to do it than by discovering this homemade style gelatin-like drink as shared by @tibisayq23. Really, it's the redness that kinda makes this thirst-refreshing. 。 。 ゛(ノ><)ノ

Image from @tibisayq23’s post

Refreshed and ready to continue with the other hobbies or just plainly decides to raid a bank, like how @kuronokenshi shared this gameplay on PAYDAY The Heist. It's only in-game though so definitely not going there, but this kinda interests me in a way such that they didn't try to sugar-coat it and ended up looking real awesome to try. d(ゝ∀・)

Image from @kuronokenshi’s post

As someone who has poorer eyesight and developed a thing for scents being a major growth of a character, couldn't agree more with @akipponn here that one's emotional well-being is important to care for. Sometimes, a little fond memory is all it takes to wake up, and Emotional well-being through Aromatherapy is one way to have it. (ᕥꔸᴗꔸ)ᕥ♡

image from @akipponn’s post

Again, a huge heartfelt thanks to all of you who have posted such amazing content. I hope to include you all in future roundup posts!

For now, this ESM (Epic, Smile, Maker) is signing off.

Have a great day!

Feel like catching up on the previous roundups?

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Just comment below.

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Written by
10 months ago
