Bi-weekly Development Updates for D.Buzz - Today: Votes and Rendering!
Hello fans and friends of D.Buzz!
It is the fundamental nature of humans to want to share.
We share to feel like we belong. We share to feel like we are loved. We share to feel like we are important.
We are social beings, and our survival depends on our ability to work together. We are also hardwired to feel a sense of belonging and security. These two forces are the key to why people share.
At D.Buzz, we believe in providing tools to our users to share and interact as they wish. That is why today we are excited to roll out additional rendering support for social media sites.
Rendering support means that we have coded ways to natively display and show media from other social media sites, without having to upload it directly to D.Buzz.
In today's update, we added support for:
SoundCloud links
Facebook video links
TikTok video links
Odyssey video links
Apple Music links budget
You can now just copy the URL that features this particular piece of media and put that into a buzz to get it playing on D.Buzz.
Another feature the community has been asking for a while is to view who upvoted you. With today's update, you can now see this full Up Vote list when you click the counter!
In addition, when you hover over the counter with your mouse, you will see a partial list of the upvotes as well!
We've also rolled out other minor changes, such as hiding the tooltip icon from showing on mobile screens.
Fixed URLs breaking when rendered URL contains parenthesis
Fixed issues with the version environments
And Other minor fixes.
We are social beings. We were born to share.
We like to share our food. We like to share our toys. We like to share our stories. And now, in this hyper-connected world, we share our lives online, too. We share our thoughts, our feelings, our opinions, and our pictures.
The way we share changes over time.
Technology and culture influence the way we share, and the way we share is changing right now. Why be limited in the ways you wish to share and express yourself? We hope that D.Buzz can provide this freedom for you to share and express as you wish.
Thanks for taking the time to read these updates. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
What do you think of today's updates?
What are you most excited about?
Over and out.
- D.Buzz
D.Buzz is ...
Is a censorship-resistant short-form microblogging platform that empowers you to share your thoughts in 280 characters or less.
Censorship resistant and built for the community with love.
We strive to have fun and neutral stance on topics. If you have any concerns with the content, please contact @jacuzzi, who writes and generates the content for our articles, or the @dbuzz team for clarification.