Chadwick Boseman: Early Symptoms Of Colon Cancer, Blacks At More Risk, Precaution, And Prevention

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3 years ago

Chadwick Boseman: Early Symptoms Of Colon Cancer, Blacks At More Risk, Precaution, And Prevention

The sad passing of Black Panthers star, Chadwick Boseman, came as a rude shock, especially to many who never knew he had been battling colon cancer since 2016. However, despite never publicly discussing the illness, many of his fans became concerned earlier this year due to his noticeable weight loss. What makes his case quite sad is the fact that the disease that killed him wasn't supposed to afflict him at such a young age of 43... 39 years old at the time he was first diagnosed with colon cancer.

According to majority consensus in the medical profession, people are advised to start screening for colon cancer after reaching age 50. This medical caution however, comes with a caveat that, for those with a family history of colon cancer, screening is advised to start much earlier

As things stand, we are unable to ascertain whether Chadwick Boseman’s extended family had history with the disease. Regardless, the death would still have been as painful; a man who brought many life heroes to life, including Jack Robinson in "42", James Brown in 2014’s "Get On Up".

Many might not know that some of those films, including his role as King T’Chala in Black Panther, were filmed while Boseman intermittently underwent several surgeries to treat the disease that unfortunately took his life. In fact, while filming Black Panther, Boseman revealed he was in regular communication with two kids he had met while undergoing treatment himself. According to him:

"There are two little kids, Ian and Taylor, who recently passed from cancer. Throughout our filming, I was communicating with them knowing that they were both terminal". He said. Could Boseman have used those conversations to possibly prepare for his own eventual passing? Hmm

This untimely death now brings colon cancer precaution, diagnosis, and treatment into sharp focus. Especially more so now that Chadwick Boseman won't reprise his role as the Black Panther in the planned 2022 follow up film.

But, what early signs of colon cancer could the Late Black Panther star have missed, during the onset of the disease? Could Boseman have survived if he knew the implications of the early signs of colon cancer (assuming he saw some of the signs below)? According to medical professionals, some of the early signs are:

- When one experiences persistent changes in bowel movement habits, particularly between diarrhea and constipation. Also, when there's constant change in the consistency of one’s stool

- Blood in the stool, called rectal bleeding

- Persistent abdominal discomfort, e.g, gas, pains or cramps

- Unexplained weight loss, weakness and fatigue

- When one uses the toilet but constantly feel that the bowels were not totally emptied. These could signal underlying colon cancer condition. One should therefore seek urgent medical advice.

Besides these, every black person has to know that colon cancer, or cancer of the large intestine is mostly prevalent among the black race. We will now briefly highlight the likely lifestyle risk factors associated with the disease.

Colon cancer likely causative risk factors

Asides what was stated earlier, it has also been observed that colon cancer in younger people have been on the increase in recent times, and doctors aren't quite sure why this has been the case. However, the following should be well noted by all and sundry:

- A personal history of colon and rectum cancer, otherwise known as colorectal cancer. Anyone who's had history with these, or those who've had noncancerous polyps removed from them stand greater risks

- Inflammatory intestinal conditions such as inflammatory diseases of the colon, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease

- Low fiber diet. Those who're more accustomed to eating typical Western diets that are high in fat but low in fiber are at greater risks. Other possible causative factors that are yet to be certified are: diets high in red meat and processed meat

- Lack of exercising, or a sedentary lifestyle. If you're already active with exercises, then good for you. This has been shown to reduce colon cancer risks. If you're not into exercising, then this may be the right motivation you need

- Diabetes and Obesity also increases colon cancer risks, when compared to other people

- Smoking and Alcohol. Heavy drinking of alcohol can increase colon cancer risks

- Radiation therapy for cancer: Those who have had radiation therapy directed at their abdomen for purpose of treating previous cancers also have increased risk with colon cancer.

It's up to all of us to take good care of our health and take nothing for granted whenever we notice changes in our health.

Here's to the family of the Late star, may God console them; and may the departed soul of Chadwick Boseman Rest In Peace.

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