The abstractness of life and death

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3 years ago
Topics: Society, Phillosophy

The world is full of mysteries, some should die but live instead. On the other hand, some are more suited to life but die first. Logic is unlikely to be a suitable tool for interpreting the world. There are always extraordinary surprises for those who have already drowned in illusions. Luckily they are awakened!

Walk in the middle of depravity. A rotten scent wafted from every visible crack. The undead screamed for food. Dead humans are crushed to death refusing to eat. Life or death doesn't seem like just the beginning and the end of life.

Some forms are more abstract and interpreted more deeply than a vocabulary. That is why the scriptures almost certainly have multiple interpretations. The most foolish are those who bet desperately to defend their interpretation.

Even now, humans can die. Not in a general sense. However, those who are mired in the abyss of thought are darkest. A creature like this lives but dies. Life is useless, dying is just troublesome. His life is empty, just running a daily routine that dulls the brain. They were caught in the dark. Refusing to look up and see the slightest light.

Dead but alive? Precisely something like this is easier to understand. These people are already physically dead. His body has been eaten away by worms in the ground. Some of them were even burned. But they live in other people's hearts and heads. Spark a little light to help others reach their light.

Abstract interpretation is always attractive to those who dare to venture into the jungle of ideas. So it is with heaven and hell. There is always an abstract interpretation. Even for God. In religions, they usually come together in mystical traditions. Esoteric.

Only a few can understand the interpretation of the esoteric model. Many consider it heretical. But, I have always liked the abstract model of interpretation. And, often they are not easy to judge and claim the absolute truth of interpretation.

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3 years ago
Topics: Society, Phillosophy
