Why you need to boost your self-esteem

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2 years ago

Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia describes self-esteem as follows.

An individual's sense of self-worth is achieved not by external recognition or praise from others, but by matured thoughts and values ​​within oneself.

In other words, 'self-esteem' consists of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about ourselves, and our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs change all the time, so self-esteem can also be continuously developed.

Low self-esteem negatively affects mental health, relationships, school and work life.

Here are some ways to help you feel good about yourself and boost your self-esteem.

How to increase your self-esteem

1. Be careful about your thoughts and beliefs.

say hopeful things. Avoid self-fulfilling prophecies of pessimism and be optimistic.

Focus on 'can do' rather than 'should'. The word 'must' implies that you have something to do, and if you don't meet your expectations, you'll feel overwhelmed. Focus on what you can do.

2. Set goals and expectations.

Goals and expectations must be realistic.
Trying to accomplish the impossible hurts your self-esteem and doesn't boost your self-esteem.

For example, you shouldn't suddenly decide to become a professional hockey player at 40. Realizing that it's impossible, and how far away you are from reaching your goals, will hurt your self-esteem.

Instead, set a more realistic goal, such as learning how to play the guitar or a new sport.

3. Take care of yourself.

We spend so much time worrying and caring for others that we neglect our own physical and mental well-being.

Not only that, but they have so many negative feelings about themselves that they think it's pointless to spend time and effort taking care of themselves.

Taking care of yourself ultimately helps improve your self-esteem.

The healthier your mind and body, the more likely you are to be satisfied with yourself.

4. Look back on your life and achievements.

You have to impress yourself, not others. Let's take time to look back on the glory of the past, big and small.

Take a notebook or diary and set a timer for 20-30 minutes. During this time, make a list of all the things you have accomplished.

The list could include learning to drive, going to college, moving into your own apartment, making good friends, cooking fine dining, earning a degree or diploma, becoming an 'adult' and finding your first job.

Consider revisiting old photos, scrapbooks, yearbooks, travel memorabilia, or making a collage of your life and achievements to date.

5. Do things you enjoy.

Set aside time each day to do things that make you happy, like cooking, reading, exercising, gardening, or talking to your spouse for an hour.

Don't feel guilty about setting aside time to enjoy. You deserve it. Repeat this if necessary.

Try new activities.

Consider classes in artistic activities such as painting, music, poetry, and dance

6. Help others.

Studies have shown that volunteers tend to be happier and have higher self-esteem.

It may sound paradoxical that you can only have positive feelings about yourself by helping others.

However, scientific research actually shows that volunteering or helping others and the accompanying social connections make you more positive.

7. Adjust self-image if necessary.

You are always changing and need to improve to have a perspective that suits you.

You have to adjust your view of yourself to fit the realistic life you have now.

You should evaluate yourself based on the 'now' and the skills, interests, and beliefs you have, not the past.

8. Stop thinking about perfection.

no one is perfect You will never have the perfect life, the perfect body, the perfect family, the perfect job.

no one is impossible

Accept that you are a human being and that humans are fundamentally imperfect and make mistakes.

Forgive yourself and move forward. This may not be easy, but it is the key to breaking out of the cycle of self-pity and low self-esteem.

to feel good about yourself,

If you increase your self-esteem, I think you can do anything you want to do.

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