AI Stocks: Will The Early Birds Get The Worms Or Will The Late Bloomers Escape The Trap

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5 months ago

Remember that Ad that is always playing on TV with the coolest catch phrase and a persuading message, like how Bitcoin was when it first hit the surface.

Like that Black Friday Sugar rush when everyone literally wants in on the same thing or the huge crowd of gamers outside a shop waiting to get their hands on the new Tom Clancy's Call of Duty game.

The AI wave is currently causing such exciting disruption right now and the potential seems limitless like Mustafa to Simba -- everything the light touches is our kingdom limitless.

No doubt the emergence of AI [Artificial Intelligence] has been dubbed as a groundbreaking ripple in the fabric of space and time continuum--life as you know it.

Generative AI text based applications making term papers, position papers, thesis and research materials much easier to people even use search engines anymore?!. Google used to be the friendly neighborhood superhero back in the days, but it feels like there are more preferred neighborhood superheros now, the most obvious being ChatGPT (Google Bard and Bing still playing catch up, with Meta's LLAMA and DALL-E somewhere in between).

Generative AI imaging applications simulating DSLR High Definition realistic photographs (not its finest hour -- talking about the few pixel displacement glitches, but close to perfection) and photo-realistic paintings. To an untrained eye it would be difficult to detect an original Van Gogh masterpiece with a prompt engineered Midjourney or Leonard Ai generated painting, that's probably too far into the past....let's just say it would probably be difficult to differentiate a Waveloop [Instagram Patreon Artist] original painting from a generative AI image.

I mean that's super cool right, ehh not so much as litigating wars may not be so far from it's castle draw bridge. This of which has registered countless causes of records through the internet of things.

This is just the surface, suppose we go a little forward -- infusion of Transcendental AI systems into Finance and HealthCare.

You got yourself a two sided mirror, suppose we are open minded -- self developed financial system making the already cashless policy even much more digital (no harm there right) and infusion of LLM (Large learning Model) applications to perform medical procedures and investigations (no harm there too right).

Cyber Security, infusion of Cosmic AI systems with CCTVs (am guessing no harm there too right)...can you feel the resistance building up.

Warfare; self driven jet fighters, Apache Helicopters, Cybernetic Drones and Genetic modified Special Ops infused with Cosmic AI's starting to feel like huge mushroom clouds going off now right?!

Don't know about you, but if you do think about it, it's going to be an uproar of chaos -- i mean the expert research writers, copywriters, content writers, photographers, artists and graph designers alike would be out in packs looking to make a hurting.

A drove of activists would cry privacy breach, corporate espionage would be much more fire blazing and less stealthy, wire transfers automating to Cayman Island accounts without traces, a huge buck of taxpayers money going into funding of advanced weapon research (like we need more Hiroshima) creating more divides than we already are. LLM applications running off the record biological repulsive diseases or viruses test trials.

All of these would build up to resistance giving birth to restrictions, like the whole SEC $NVDA ban of H200 Chips sales to China. It's going to be an entirely different red light district downtown when the bears go into hibernation, those bulls will give no care about the red cape Matador and his Mariachi taps.

Am a no tarot card reader or psyche but it is what it is, this envisaged monumental climb is going to have a lot of stiff cliffs.

But then again if we are to play Alice through the looking glass it's not all that bad...the opera would take a different turn.

Let's bunny rabbit hole into the idea of Transcendental AI systems infused into a Frontline healthcare clerking processes and positive patient experience management it could reduce long waiting hours, that's quite a carrot right!

A little more yellow brick road down the healthcare corridor -- improved advanced administration of medical procedures and investigation with an infant fed Cosmic AI system powered FAQ consultation looped to routed channels when personal application query unique interactions requiring uniquely acquired feedback

Mirroring the impacts of a Cosmic AI System infused into warfare is going to be more of a singing in the showers versus crying in the toilets, being that it would further stretch the borders of the survival of the fittest-a dog eat dog dogma. Living developing Countries in the dust and possible cameos of dictatorship in the tapestry.

At the end of the day it boils down to quick adaption to the enclosing triggers alignment with risk tolerance in ratio of greed to analytical insightfulness of the futuristic trend projection, which in this case plays out a scenario of a 100:1 probability chance of the predictions meeting up with the FY-infinite Years EPS call actuals.

So guess am just going to close with...What's your Pick Early Birds getting the worms or Late Bloomers escaping the trap, which would stand the taste of time.

P.S ~ have you read the AI disruptive playbook?!

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5 months ago


I haven't been watching TV for at least 18 years if not longer. Do people still do that?

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5 months ago

Lol, How do you survive?! Information is power and is disseminated across different mediums especially with the disruption wave currently surfing through our daily lives.

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5 months ago

Is it power to watch commercial after commercial, to believe all the nonsense told?

Power is education, questioning, looking for answers, observing.

I do not read newspapers and never turn on the radio either. It's the same for my children. We are educated, read, are creative, and updated enough.

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5 months ago

You had be surprised the information you will get from playing Playstation 4 or Xbox 360 games, not the kind of education you will get from a four walled class room experience or from street smart vices but they would be life survival kits...underestimating any medium of information is a mistake we shouldn't encourage...information is constantly evolving and we need to stay informed with the times or end up under the rocks.

There is always a sense in every nonsense, even in a supposed called TV Commercial or a Radio Jingle, you could tell if a product would deliver value or not from the messaging.

I always kit myself with anything available, even in wasted time and efforts there is a derivative education garnered.

Life is a class room of lessions, always throwing c(l)ue balls at every waking hour.

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5 months ago