Thefts, gang unleashed in Alghero

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3 years ago

All-out investigations by the police and carabinieri. Acting at night would be a gang made up of four criminals with their faces covered. About ten complaints to the police in recent days

ALGHERO - There is an alarm in Alghero, where in the last two weeks there has been a real escalation of burglaries against numerous activities. In the sights of what the investigators believe may be the same gang, tobacconists, bars, clothing and accessories stores, even a hairdresser and an insurance agency.

The blows always at night, but even the technique always seems to have the same script: forced or broken windows, then the theft, which in some cases - as for the tobacconist in via Tarragona - is worth several thousand euros. Acting would be a gang composed of four criminals, on several occasions filmed by the video surveillance cameras of the activities, but always with their faces covered.

According to the complaints collected at the Police Station in via Kennedy and in the Carabinieri Company in via Don Minzoni, there are already about ten cases. On the same day, it seems that the criminals even hit in three different activities.

In the photo: one of the businesses stolen in recent days in Alghero

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