How to Deal with Anger

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Avatar for daffaputra
2 years ago

Everyone must have felt angry. some people do not know how to deal with anger and some are able to deal with anger and defuse it. What I do when dealing with Anger is:





Four very simple steps, right? But, what about in practice?

Simple, when someone pisses me off. The first thing I have to do is JUST BE SILENT. Why are you silent? If I suddenly respond with anger too, the situation will escalate and become even worse. It's a simple law! If the fire is doused with kerosene, the fire will get bigger. However, if the fire is allowed to burn on its own, it will eventually go out. You in this case are in a position of not having Water. So, just shut up. Let the fire extinguish itself!

Then, what else do I do? Remembering the kindness of someone who makes me angry. When we are angry, we are unable to think objectively. In an angry point of view, there is only the ugliness and ugliness of the person he resents. As if Humans only have one side. So, by thinking that there is good in the object or person we offend, we become more holistic. Anger will also dim when we remember that someone who irritated me, turned out to have helped me a long time ago.

The onion skin of the second consciousness was peeled off. Then we peel again the next skin with what? By trying to understand his actions that upset us. Because all humans act on the truth according to their own opinion, then, anger or hatred can be minimized if we try to understand each other's truth that is used or embraced by everyone.

BASIC ASSUMPTION: Man acts in his own right!

If the things above can be done then, it is easy to get to the FORGIVE STAGE.

So in any situation and to anyone. We can remind ourselves that someone who made Me annoyed with him, however, He used to do good things to Me and try, I see from the truth that person thinks. Oh it turns out he did this because he thought it was the right thing even though it might be wrong. Oh so if that's the case, I can afford to forgive him.

That's how I deal with anger. I hope the method I did can be useful for all of you. regards

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Avatar for daffaputra
2 years ago


Yes. It's always good to stop and think before reacting to any situation. It helps to keep bad situations away!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

this is just the method i use. maybe some people will do a different way of dealing with anger. regards

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Woww thanks to the tips of dealing anger, In my side, when I get agry. I take deep breath first for a min. Then say something.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

say something that doesn't hurt someone. it will make everything okay. Thank you my brother. regards

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah trying to hold anger, trying to say good in the middle of anger is one way. It is difficult but we must do it. Hihi Your very welcome my brother

$ 0.00
2 years ago