Battery and Data drain

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4 months ago

Image source: unsplash

Today is the worst day regarding my data allocation and battery life of phone.

Today I woke up with a drained battery on my personal phone. I planned to take lots of pictures today so I immediately charged it without investigating why it happened. I'm pretty sure there were still 43% battery life before I slept last night that's why I did not bother charging them.

I went to work and continued charge till it was full. I got busy and was not able to do anything about the phone and went home early for an activity. My daughter cannot be taken to the venue so I left her my phone so she'd get entertained while at home. But then I forgot to change the data source of my phone internet then my daughter downloaded tons of gaming apps and watched videos on an app called movie box and YouTube kids.

I was really in a hurry before leaving home and hubby is easy to get mad when I get late of our walk. Now te night came and everything was in place; I checked my phone and darn! It's 29% battery and I lost 8 gb of data allocation today!

I was thrifty about my data usage, I avoided watching videos and whenever I can connect to the work wifi, I would so it to save some money. Most of the time, I don't use phone and data allocation for entertainment but I use it to do blog and earn cents.

What I lost today pained me and lesson learned! I should make sure to keep my data allocation safe from my unknowing kids.

Just in time, hubby had consumed all his data allocation too! Now I need to top up again and buy promo data allocation to make things work.

I really hope they will realize that finding money is hard and that they be contented of the apps that are already installed on my phone for games. It's not like I'm just picking up money anywhere to load up my mobile phone and be entertained.

have your experienced the same?

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4 months ago
