BBM-SARA :Agila at Tigre Ng Pilipinas

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2 years ago

They won! And as a supporter of them I am so happy that after all the trials and issues ,fake news ,dirty talks they received from other people still they won . Before I continue my writing I just want to say that this is my own opinion, suggestions,words of appreciation, and admiration to my candidates and if you don't like it just skip my article.

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I just wanted to say thank you for my Sponsors for not leaving me here in my block and for reading and upvoting my articles even sometimes because of tiredness at work I don't know if my articles make sense.

I don't know if this is the first ever tandem that President-Vice President with the same party win but I think it is the first time . And I am so happy that the President and the Vice president we supported won the race. There's something about them that I liked and loved ,and for me I know they will do their best to make a better Philippines and to make a better leader for us in the next 6years.


Why I supported BBM and my whole family? Because my grand parents knows the history and they told us how their life before than today. As I remember my Lolo said "di uso isda sa Amin noon ,kahit magsaka lang kami halos Karne araw2x Kasi sa bawat Ani talaga Malaki Ang tubo NILA at Malaki Ang oerang natatabi" and I am so amazed by that imagine they raise 9 children before and they didn't feel like there's no money at all. He also share that the prices of meat,fruits , vegetables ,rice and fish are too far from before. "Sobrang masagana ang mga tao noon Kasi Ang equivalent Ng piso noon ay marami Ng mabibili talaga mapapasulit ka ."he added'.

Some feels that .Marcoses didn't care about the country but I think it's wrong. Many people most especially in Manila benefits what Marcos did to the country and I trusted BBM that he will continue the BBB(BUILD ,BUILD ,BUILD ) program of President Rodrigo Duterte now. Itsy a big help to our Filipino people not only in Manila but I know in some provinces.


WHY Sarah Duterte? Simple ! Look at Davao ,look how beautiful and organized Davao is. How people is so approachable and generous to help other people who are not from there. They are well disciplined that other Cities and they are the only Cities who has 911 Emergency hotline number you are able to call when you need help. And people are not abusive . They follow rules and protocols. Yes maybe other says "Maliit Ang Davao I compare sa bulong Bansa na patatakbuhin Niya" but didn't you know that everything starts from small to big? If she can fix Davao like you said small than whole Philippines don't you think she can also do that in the Philippines?

Well we are so excited that after 6 years Inday Sarah Duterte will run as a President and all Mindanaos will fully support her. We are so proud of the daughter of Tatay Digong ,his production will serve the country.

We will pray the both of you and we are all hoping that you will continue what Duterte has been started. Now that majority of your team unity won I know you can make it and you will make a change for 6years service.

To you our President BONG BONG MARCOS ,we loved you and we will support you all the way of your journey. I know that you have a heart for Filipino people and we will wait for a change.

We are so proud of you !

$ 1.52
$ 1.50 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @charmingcherry08
$ 0.01 from @Pichi28
Sponsors of cyredawn22
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2 years ago


Sana matanggap na ng iba kung sino man manalo. Tama na ang away away kasi in the end, tayo tayo lang magtutulungan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama sis walang iBang magtutulungan mga kapwa Pinoy din

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My votes were for these two. But honestly it was a last minute decision for me to vote for Bongbong haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha ano kaya Ang Nakita or nalaman mo at nag switch ka agad?hehehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago