Listen, to the Small Voice's Plea

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2 years ago

Tap, tap, knock, knock,

Did the hour hand already went around the clock?

I didn't recognize the tick tock,

Because of your loud mocks.

Roll eyes, as you roll the dice,

Games should be fun,

But why do the snakes keep on coming like a gun?

I think I have to run, or call Harry and borrow his wand.

West side, ninety degrees.

Should I put my mind at ease?

Will the behemoth stop coming at me?

Or shall I pay a silencing fee?

Hush, don't rush.

Did I open the door and let a stranger in?

Did I forget what momma told me when I am teen?

That stupid mind I have, backlash!

The poison in their acts, my innocent heart reacts.

They call my heart Au,

But it's weak and I can't argue,

All these griefs, is caused by me and I'm still finding the key.

When the bench is old and start to breaks,

Will someone fix it for my sake?

Or just another self claiming friend who's actually fake.

Sick and tired I just don't want to wake.

Hey, hey freak!

Stop with your self destructing speech!

If no one's on your side,

I'm here, always here- yourself, small voice guide.

Don't ever blame yourself for being kind,

Those who take advantage have the stupid minds.

Those who knock just to wreck someone's life,

Will soon be haunted at night.

Your heart is indeed gold,

Your soul is too precious for this world,

But, don't be afraid to draw the sword,

Even when your feet tremble with cold.

It's not your fault that they're callous,

Don't lit the gallons of fuel to look rebellious,

Stop being hard on you,

The world is difficult but you'll always find a clue.

My plea,

Is for you to find me.

With all the fogs that surrounds,

I hope you see me standing on the ground.

My plea, is to hear the wind,

Not the rain and hiccups in between.

Get back up, tick tock says the clock.

People will mock, but don't let it get you blocked.

~ Thank you for reading curious humans <3

This is the longest poem I've written so far. I actually planned to write 22 stanzas but I wondered if people will still read it hahah so i just cut it down to 12. One of my dream or goal is to be able to write a book long poems hahah hope someday, some other time, I'll accomplish this.

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$ 0.20 from @Ruffa
Avatar for curiouscat
2 years ago


Binasa ko nga Chachan, kaso nalusaw utak ko huehue. Bat masyadong deep diko na malirip 🥺 pero ang galinggggg 😍😍😍

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2 years ago

basta an yan haha yun na yun hahaha tenksu sa supprt ulit hehe

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2 years ago