I know it's scary but you're getting closer

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Avatar for curiouscat
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Experiences

Adulting is like a sudden turn of events. Transitions that one will not expect to be easy peasy.

It's exciting to welcome a new phase in our life but at the same time, it's scary. Maturity comes to play and I think this is vital. We have to learn how to manage things on our own, but still with the aid of people whom we can trust and depend on. We will surely experience a lot of ups and down until we can already figure it out.

I am always scared to grow up, I thought I was strong but surely not. I thought it's all just a simple puzzle to work on but life is not a simple puzzle. It's real difficult.

It's scary but you're getting closer to figuring things out.

Have a good day!

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$ 0.09 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @SuperJulalaine


Crossfinger! We're getting closer and although the puzzle is still incomplete trust the process of the One above.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

haiii thank you so much!:))

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1 year ago