Analysis of DApp development

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2 years ago

What is the DApp in the blockchain world? Why should we develop DApps? How do we choose a platform for DApps? What are the differences in the development of DApps on different platforms? Is there any way to make money in chain games? Welcome to the DApps series…

What is a DApp?

DApp is Decentralized Application, decentralized application
We can first look at a picture, which intuitively illustrates the difference between centralization, distribution and decentralization.

Since the development of the Internet, centralized services have always dominated. This is an obvious logic: I provide the service as a service provider, and you use my service as a consumer. Therefore, “I” is the center, and “I” manages all business data in the process of using the service.

However, the pace of the Internet will not stop. With the development of the times and the Dapps developer of business, more and more users are accessing the service queue, and the pressure of single-point centralized services is also increasing. Whether it is the response speed of the service or the response when a single point of failure occurs, it greatly affects the user experience.

It’s like we go to the supermarket to buy good things, but there is only one checkout counter, so we have to wait in long queues for the checkout. Not only are slow customers impatient, but if you, the cashier, rush to the toilet, the long queue of customers behind you will explode.

Therefore , the distributed architecture came into being. Of course, this is also an obvious logic: since there is only one cashier and you can’t stand in line, then I will open 20 cashiers, as long as all the cashiers are recorded together. ! What, you said I was a supermarket chain, so what should I do with the bookkeeping? It’s simple, just do a good job of synchronizing the data of different stores!

But with the continuous improvement of the quality of life, another customer jumped out at this time and said: “I suspect that your supermarket is labeling expired food! But I have no evidence…”

Yes, that’s the problem I’m having now, and it’s a completely different problem than before. In addition to media exposure, how do we consumers know?

In the case of bad service providers: your eyes will deceive you, your ears will deceive you, your experience will deceive you, and your imagination will deceive you as well, but math… ugh, but open source code Won’t!

Decentralized Decentralized
Of course, it is difficult to imagine a scene in our current life, but we can imagine a future: in a fully automated future society with highly developed AI and robots, a supermarket service provider has written and released several sets of rules and procedures for production processes , from From supply to production, transportation to terminal sales are all realized by renting production tools and resources deployed in public bases (nodes) around the world .

Consumers anywhere can access the network and issue specific needs to the service process provided by the service provider in the utility . The procedures and rules provided by service providers can not only meet their respective requirements to the greatest extent, but consumers can even trace and check the entire service process through open channels .

The program is open, the process is open, and it relies on public infrastructure (a decentralized network).

These are the characteristics of a decentralized application “DApp”.

Why develop DApps?
Why do we need to develop DApps? Of course, it’s because it can cut…cough…cough…can revolutionize the advantages of decentralization!
In fact, there are many reasons for developing DApps, but when considering why to use a certain DApps Development Solutions , you can usually consider the problem from two perspectives (ignoring the cost and stock market issues for the time being):

What trouble would I run into with the old solution?
What advantages do I have with the new solution?

As the author mentioned above, in the process of service providers providing services, we will find more:

trust issues . As a senior gangster, Xiao Ming always felt that the service provider was very unreliable for various black-box operations, and he became more and more unhappy. Therefore, Xiaoming, as an online KOL, launched a large number of netizens fans to spray service providers, and the service provider’s wrong public relations response led to the incident becoming more and more serious. Sand sculpture netizens can scold from graves to hearses drifting. In the end, the reputation of the service provider declined sharply, and a large number of users were lost… At this time, the service provider was distressed, and I was really blamed.
DApp, open and fair, can be checked on the whole network!

Confirmation of rights Xiao Ming is a senior player, and he is also a small R. He is not a whale player, but he is also the favorite paying player of the service provider. One day, he found that one of his important props that he had been getting for a long time was suddenly gone. He thought he had been hacked, and he was shocked into a cold sweat. As a result, I asked the customer service to change the password again, and finally learned at the end that it was because the game accidentally deleted the items of normal users when the game cleaned up abnormal users some time ago. At this time, Xiao Ming is not happy. This prop is obviously my property. How can you delete it? If I want to delete it, I should be the one who deletes the number on the live broadcast! No, this must be black… For the follow-up plot, please refer to the previous one…
DApp, private key management, private props!

Review questions . Emmmm, forget it, this is inconvenient to say more…
DApp, community is free, interconnected and open!

Circulation problem (pseudo) . Xiao Ming is a senior independent developer and has a considerable reputation in the open source community. His products and some tool libraries have considerable use value. But he also wants to eat properly, he can’t rely on Donate all the time! At this time, in order to make the product have deeper commercialization potential, he chose to first publish a digital asset with his product as the background…cough…cough…cough… far away. In short, Xiao Ming and his users finally happily…have a comfortable life experience.
DApp, win-win rights, mutual development!

Other more aspects are estimated to be explained in many articles, so the ones listed above are actually the reasons why I think it is most likely to resonate with traditional developers and turn to DApp development.

What are the DApp platforms?
Which blockchain platforms can we choose to publish our DApp on? Actually many…
To be honest, the author believes that the blockchain world is still in the early stage, and the fascinating and perfect “public infrastructure” has not yet appeared, Build decentralized apps and the existing infrastructure has always been unsatisfactory in one way or another.

Of course, this does not mean that what we are doing now is meaningless. Any technology has gradually developed and matured from an early stage. The current immaturity + constant trial and error will bring about future maturity + solid accumulation.

In the current blockchain world, it can be said that there are three types of “ infrastructure “ for DApp development, namely:

Ethereum, which first developed a smart contract system, and other blockchain networks (Tron, etc.) that use the EVM Like mechanism

EOS, which is driven by the Action mechanism using the account system, and its similar blockchain networks

Based on the Tendermint engine, a chain application that can be added to the Cosmos Hub system

Polkadot parallel chain developed based on Substrate framework and its blockchain application

The author will introduce the technical details of developing DApps in these types of “ infrastructure “ in the later articles of this series.

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2 years ago
