Celebrating Mother's 60th Birthday

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1 year ago
Topics: Blessings, Birthday

Sixtieth birthday is a very big milestone for anyone who've already celebrated it. It denotes a life-long accomplishments amidst ups and downs.

We've celebrated my mother's 60th birthday last Wednesday (December 7). We celebrated it with our family. We just had a simple dinner after mother visited our chapel to light a candle and pffer a prayer.

I actually planned to have a grand celebration for her, since it's the custom for most people's 60th birthday. Besides, I've promised myself long ago that I will buy her a letchon baboy (pork lechon) when her 60th birthday comes. But life hit differently. Months ago, my mother went through eye surgery due to a cataract. It's a very costly operation, excluding the needed medications afterwards. My father's reserved money for her grand celebration were all spent for her surgery.

I also ran out of budget. I got sick so the money I saved were spent for medications. I also needed to pay debt that was overdue. And I have to undergo teeth procedures that require a big budget. Plus needless to say, the whole pork lechon is very expensive now compared. The cheapest one in our area is already 10k.

I was torn between giving the best that I can for my mother and going after my budget. It really took me weeks to decide. But prior to that, I consulted my family's point of view, especially my mother.

Gladly, my mother understands my situation. Though it would feel more special to have a ot celebrated grandly, but we should not force what we really can't afford. So, I just ordered meal package from a trusted supplier. We also have the other meals cooked by my sister.

I also bought her a dress since she always wanted to have a new one. I am really happy seeing her excited while fitting her new dress. My mother is hard to please so I let her choose the dress for herself.

Before her birthday, I actually felt bad that I wasn't able to fulfill my promise for her-- a grand 60th birthday celebration. I felt like I was not giving her my best. Growing up, I've seen how hardowrking my mother is. I witness how much struggle we had but she and my father manage to take care of us. I wanted to give back more than how much I already gave. But I honestly can't afford it for now. I dont want to be in debt again, as much as I could.

Later on, I've realized that there are ways I can give back my parents more than the material things. I remember what my father told me years ago. He said that more than any material things we can give, they need more of our respect and understanding. It really hit me to the core. No matter how much I'll give them, it would be useless without the respect and love that they deserve. So eventhough I cannot give her that grand celebration, I promise myself that I'll be better for her.

We ended up having it celebrated simply within the family. It's how we used to celebrate birthdays. We just pray and eat delicious foods together. For us, the most important thing for us is gratefullness for another year added to life.

We're really happy that our mother is now an official senior citizen. It's another big achievement for her. She can now finally enjoy seniorhood's privileges. I look forward for a bigger celebration for her in the future. But for now, let's just savor the moment.

Thank you for reading!💛

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Avatar for criscribbler
1 year ago
Topics: Blessings, Birthday


Happy bday to your mom. Show your love to her and make her feel that love until she still with you. I wish fir her long life 😊

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes, we do po🧡 Thank you friend😇

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Happy 60th Birthday to your mom my friend! 🎉 Your mom smile looks so happy. Wishing her a good health and blissful life.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you friend😇

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're welcome friend. God bless always. 😇

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1 year ago