Welcome to my mess | crimsonowl Introduction

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3 years ago

I’ve been putting off writing an introduction since I absolutely have no idea what to write. On the internet, it’s basically free real estate. You can take any persona, you can project how you want people to see you, for the good or the bad. Also with the abundance of crypto-blogging platforms (yes, I made up that term), many of us may have written a lot of introduction blogs.

I can blab about this for the next 300 words or so but I digress. Let’s follow the norm.

Hey! My name IRL is Korin. @crimsonowl is the little voice in my head and is very opinionated. Also, this is my username in read.cash and noise.cash. The meaning behind my username is simple; I love the color red and I’m obsessed with owls. I draw in anime-style and currently, trying to make it a living. I am currently based in Japan; an anime otaku living her dream. I am new to read.cash but I've been around crypto-blogging platforms such as Steemit.com and Hive.blog. As for content, I usually post about anime, art, and everything in between. I occasionally make arts and crafty posts, fanfictions and at times, just pure self-indulgent blogs. I just like to make that little voice in my head talk.

Anime Otaku. I've been watching anime for as long as I can remember. Well, that sounded cliche but that's a fact. What triggered for me to dig a deeper hole into the otaku-world is Naruto. Yes, Sasuke is my favorite character. As a matter of fact, all-time favorite character (Even Gojo can't beat that). I am not the most versed when it comes to anime titles, theories, and such, and definitely don't have a whole room and lifestyle dedicated to anime but I like to collect mangas and novels of my favorite shows and titles. As I am currently living in Japan, I make an effort to go to places that have been mentioned in an anime and go to live performances (of course, pre-COVID). As for my current obsession, well, if you take a peek at my noise.cash, you will definitely know that my current poison is Jujutsu Kaisen. I've been trying to save my earnings to buy the volumes available and the fanbook. Anime inspires me more than anything in this world. My bish @ishanvirtue is witness to that. I am pretty normal as a human being; another face in the crowd but when it comes to anime, I've been told that I shine the brightest ever since they've known me.

Life in Japan. It was a long path to get to where I am today. My earlier journey into anime led me to learn the Japanese language. When the Naruto episodes on TV are on repeat, I started to search the internet for new episodes and discovered the Japanese dubs are way better than the local dubs. This might be the norm now but in my time, reading the subs while watching anime was a skill. However, I grew irritated and tired so I decided to learn the language itself. I have a total of 10 years of extensive learning under my belt and I could say, I didn’t have difficulty living here, language-wise. As a girl who grew up in the suburbs, the convenience of Tokyo was exceptional but boy, oh boy, was it the most stressful years of my life. Now, I moved to the suburbs hours away from Tokyo and I’m living the life.

Life goals. For years, I’ve been denying this but now, I consider myself to be an artist. My artist username is Korin Krē-āt (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram). I have a passion project surrounding art and it’s been a long-hanging dream I like to hopefully come true. I am also administering an art-curation chamber called “@ArtPark” at noise.cash with @ishanvirtue . As I have mentioned in the beginning, it is my ultimate life goal to make a living through art. I am hopeful for this platform to be a stepping stone to that goal.

Lastly, I would like to end with my all-time favorite quote I learned from Inuyasha Anime, "Always follow your dreams with everything you've got". As cliche as it sounds, the road to your goals will never always be smooth. The rougher the road, the tighter you should cling on to that dream but efforts you have exerted to reach that goal will always be rewarded, in some form, in some way.

There you have it! Are you already rolling your eyes back from the cliches and otaku-ness? I bet you are. Let's be nice to each other and be good internet citizens. See yah around.

$ 0.54
$ 0.50 from @Constant1995
$ 0.03 from @ishanvirtue
$ 0.01 from @keeneek
Avatar for crimsonowl
3 years ago


That's a nice introduction better than mine I would say, and it is fine to follow your dreams and to work harder for them. So I guess you are not from japan but live there. Well same thing here I live in a place which is not mine.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

welcome to read.cash, I hope you find this blogsite fulfilling like many of us. I hope you also have a Noise.cash account.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hey! Thanks for the comment. I’m quite enjoying myself. I do have noise.cash with the same username.

$ 0.00
3 years ago