good morning

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3 years ago

It seems I stopped hugging the bed at the right time this morning to catch the sun rising and bathing the surroundings in its glow which does not often happen. Wednesday is a less stressful morning: no cleaning lady arriving to get me earlier out of bed and otherwise nothing planned for the day, except for a shopping trip.

No excursion into town yesterday for shopping, but just a short visit to the local supermarket along the road. I only had a few items to get- I had planned on hamburger for lunch which I had alrady bought in the town store, I decided we had eaten enough hamburgers lately, but on Monday there is never a good choice. However yesterday in the local store I discovered they had got a fresh supply of lamb racks, which is a level higher than hamburger and they were even on special offer, so that is today's lunch. In the meanwhile I froze the hamburgers for a later date.

There is not a great opportunity for stunning photos at the local store, but this building always fascinated me next ot the store. The windows are regularly cleaned and it keeps them nice and shiny capturing the reflections of anything near. This time it caught the clouds and I noticed a flock of birds winging they way past on the left. It is a very good store, just as big as the one in town, but has no butchers department, only packed meat, but also that can be OK. I also needed a cucumber for a salad in the evening to go with the cold cuts.

I was also expecting the big delivery yesterday. The time given was from 4.30 p.m. until 9.00 p.m. He usually arrives around 6.00 but yesterday he only came at 8.30 in the evening. I was getting a little worried whether he would actually be coming. I had ordered quite a lot, but No. 1 son and I organised ourselves and within half an hour we had everything stowed away in the cellar laundry room where I have it all organised. The deep freezer chest is now quite full and I have enough provisions for the next month at least. It gives me a secure feeling to know that we are covered with food for any emergencies. We even have 60 rolls of toilet paper in store, just imagine. After the experience made at the beginning of the first attack of the hairy pins, I discovered that as long as you have toilet paper you will survive according to the panic buying that was then being carried out at the time.

Otherwise a quiet relaxed evening, although I had a bit of a job with the computer. I had to update my credit card on the computer for one of my regular subscriptions, jus 2 Swiss Francs a month. It was for youTunes and I had really forgotten the password, so I had to organise a new one, then everything was OK. This time I recorded the new password on my list of passwords, which is now already on the fourth page. Don't you love all these passwords, and woe betide you if you happen to forget one.

Having solved that small drama, I settled down to the TV. Since discovering Channel 4 on the BBc programmes, there is always some sort of film to watch. The nice thing is they repeat them throughout the month, so I can always catch up on the parts I miss due to a visit perhaps to the washing machine or hanging the wash and even falling asleep in front of the television. The films they show are sometimes quite good.

And now I am off to further fields, like organising life in the apartment. Keep well and safe and try to take it easy - not always possible I know.

My neighbour had organised her wild meadow and planted some new seeds and I saw these two poppies yesterday which did brighten up my day a little.

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3 years ago
