My son do not despise the lord's discpline and do not resent His rebuke ,because the lord disciplined those whom he loves, as a father the son he delights in
proverbs 3-11-12
One of my TV watching memories goes back to the program Happy days when the gang was gathered in the dinner but no one could get the juke box to play music .Fonzies always saved the day by coming up and hitting the box in exactly the right place.The music would pop on and all was well .sometimes people are like that too ---people of all ages
We need that pop that sends us into action .That most often comes from God himself but sometimes he uses people to be motivators .sometimes uses moms , i just pray that he keeps me balanced between the pats on the backs for my kids and the little pop that gets them moving
And may those pops always be done in love not anger
"We all need a pat on the back sometimes,and occassionaly some of us need a boot on the seat of our pants"ANONYMOUS
Wow what a great sermon thanks