When you are in a place where people do not see what you do or do not know whether you exist, you just need to have second thoughts of yourself. You just need to have the option of either leaving for good or behave as if you are not existing and stay until maybe someone or some people notice you.
Been in a place where people have the powers to see what you do and appreciate your personality is the best but when you are in a place where your input is not encouraged, what you just need to do is to either leave or be patient until you are noticed. Many people today are in a position to help but are somehow ignoring people who are in need.
Sometimes we need encouragement to make us bring out what is in us. Many people today have the power to make their fellows rich but are not ready to because they don't want them to be richer or make a name more than them. This is called selfishness!!!. When God created human beings, he did not create hatred or separation amongst us but wants us to help each other at all cost.
People are becoming wicked, most especially in this recent world. I have seen a man who said categorically that he can never help his brothers and those who came from the same town as him. I asked him to tell me the reason why he made such a statement but to my surprise, he told me that the major reason is for others not to get richer than him. He said he wants to be honoured as before but off he gives them work, they will not honour him any longer. What do you say about this?. That is his way of thinking, but he has forgotten that those who will help him in times of troubles are his people. So, when you help people and those close to you, it will make you the best and no one will run away from you when you are in troubles.
When you are in a place, and you have the power to help, then, you don't need to hesitate but to make sure to help those close to you and around you. This is what will make you become the best man and indeed that honour you want will come to you and will also follow your generations. Whatever we are doing today is all because of the future. The good you do today will remain everlasting, which is also applicable to the bad you do today. So, be of good conduct and always do something that can affect your generations positively but not negatively.
You have what it takes to make people happy, but you just decided to let people suffer. What kind of life are you living? What you do to people today will somehow happen to you in the future.
Many people need credit for the work they have not done. I'm not the kind of person who wants credit for what I do not work for. I do not call people to see the good I have done, but they have to see it by themselves and if they want can give me credit.
I've been running into a lot of great posts today on the platform. Indeed, we must always do our best regardless of whether we are appreciated for it or not. Also, we shouldn't be killing ourselves over getting noticed by people. Our time will come