Fight For Yourself, But Not For Your Right

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5 months ago

Fight For Yourself, But Not For Your Right

I made this statement just because of what I saw happening to some citizens recently. They were fighting for their rights, but they got into where they were supposed not to be. Hoping that someone would come to fight for them, but then it was too late. They were not supposed to remain where they are today but then, it is where they found themselves. 

Do you think in this country, Nigeria, you have the power to fight for your right? Although, if you have someone on top, you would come out victorious but when you don't, you have no choice other than to keep silent.

Fight for yourself, but not for your rights. I know most people may be wondering what I'm saying, but it's the reality and what I have observed happened. 

Go out there and find yourself something to do instead of fighting for what cannot bring you greatness. We all wished for success, but when you allow such success to pass you by, but looking or aiming after what would not bring you something good, you will have yourself to be blamed. 

Make yourself the best fighter and hustler. Fight hard to bring food onto your table. You have a family who always wants to see you. You have a family who wishes to make you the best or the number one in the house. So, why wasting your time fighting out there for what you seemingly thought is your right?

Go out there and find yourself doing something. Don't remain idle, instead work to make yourself a better citizen. Don't wait for someone to promise. They may promise you without fulfilling. Nigeria is going to a place where you have to fight for yourself by hustling. Hustle and don't depend on someone's flimsy excuses. 

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5 months ago
