Using scientfic method

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3 years ago


All of us benefited greatly from the use of scientfic method in solving problems such as thosde dealing with the maintenance of health In past years a family have eight childerns but seven out of eight dided in age of 1 year with small diseases but with the help of science baby born in hospitals and vaccines gave to child by this he has immunity to fight against diseases that cause death suppose you had been an unusually strong little fellow and had lived trough that first year very likely before you were six years old you would have had smallpox and by the time you reached the age of twelve you would undoubtedly have had measles whooping cough scarlet fever and diphtheria even then you battle for life was not over yellow fever malaria and typhus a person who lived 30 years is very qasmit wala with help og scinece young people treated to protect against them smallpox and other diseases that cause death


science also made telecommunication method easy 100 years ago people cant talk to each other on phone by science now people talk over 1000 of km with phone on net sci made people life easy now sci invent video call where people call to each other by watching one or other faces it is so modern method thats why talking is easy by scinece makes anything easy

Food preservation

by help of sci we preserve and store food and grown without weather foods like we grow summer foods in winter also by help of sci and different pestisides in crops preserve the crops from insects and help in many other felids

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