MATARIFE: an unnameable genocide - Season 1 Episode 1

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"The Truth of the Vanquished seems like a lie, until the Victors make a joke about it." Anonymous.

In Colombia, there is a horrible story. A story about violence and death; power and social repression; corruption and fear, implanted and settled in the population.

In many other Latin American countries there is similar stories, but the Colombian case still occurs. It affects to the 50 million people who live, or survive, in the Republic of Simón Bolívar.

According to estimates, around 8 million people have lost their homes due to violence and armed conflict between the guerrillas, the paramilitaries and the Colombian army. Around 2 million people have been killed in this context.

Someone will say that posting this kind of information is a hateful apology, but it is not. History must be known, facts must be public, just like the blockchain. Through these kinds of actions, we people can promote a more sincere society. A society who takes on his own problems and difficulties, a truly human society.

"Man does not live on stars alone," Neruda said. It means that humans not only build our lives on beautiful and beautiful things, but also on bad and crude things.

To truly know ourselves as a species, as a community, throughout the world, we need to know our true history, our wars, our failures, our atrocities. Not to repeat them, but to avoid them.

This is what Daniel Mendoza Leal, a Colombian lawyer and criminologist, is doing by sharing his audiovisual production, called "Matarife".

Here is the first episode:

Please, share this episode on your social medias, spread the truth about the Colombian's genocides.

As it happened on Colombia, this could happen on your country, is you're not prepared for avoid it.

Official 'Matarife' Youtube Channel:

Official 'Matarife' Twitter Account:

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