Revealing Logo and Wedding in the Metaverse

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I find it quite an interesting use-case of a metaverse where instead of traditional methods one of the Indian Premier League has revealed their logo in the metaverse. With this, they have become the first Indian sports to do a launch in the metaverse.

They have also released a video about the Metaverse event

They have used [](, which is actually a company used for hosting the metaverse event.


Now with this, one thing is clear it will make people aware of the metaverse and other things. But again I think the Metaverse will be more and more gaining popularity in going forward because then most of the events will be happening on the metaverse itself.

Similarly, there was an Indian wedding at the metaverse. A couple has hosted their Hogwarts-themed wedding reception in the metaverse and thus the wedding is accessible by friends and family around the world. This is a good use case because with pandemics and everything or because of borders sometimes you are not able to attend any functions and with the events happening virtually (more importantly on metaverse), you can actually be part of it. 1 month back I had my cousins marriage and I could not attend and was watching youtube videos of his wedding, if the wedding would have hosted on the metaverse, we all could have joined. But I guess it will take some time so that people will start exploring the digital world.

I think these are some of the use cases of metaverse going forward and don't forget our own Hive Meetup can actually happen on the metaverse itself. With 2020 and beyond we have seen that the digital world is not going anywhere and people will be more inclined towards joining events in the digital world itself, not all though. Only those who wanted to attend but could not attend for some reason.

I used to attend a lot of seminars in the past and once they went virtual I see that people interest is dropping significantly and thus people waiting to join the in-person seminar because of that feeling of networking and other things. I think there would be some time so that people will be accustomed to meet virtually and thus take part of seminars and other thing sand till then use cases like these will pop up. It's good that people are finding use cases to go on the metaverse.

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$ 0.01 from @Darialit
