Intergalactic, Planetary - Crazy Earth Science Questions... But Seriously

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4 years ago

Did you ever want to know... but felt it was too crazy to ask (or write a poem about)...?

"Crazy Earth Science Questions... But Seriously" is a place to ask and answer (if you know the answer and/or have a theory) all those questions about the environment and the future of life as we know it - especially those questions that sound a little crazy to even yourself, but make you wonder... just wonder... hmmm... "What if...?"

Ah... but I digress. Please feel free to join our community and to pose your crazy questions - for discussion; for humor; for serious debate; for exploring the seemingly ridiculous and discovering the potentially informative-transformative.

If you know the answers - share the love and knowledge.

If you have a theory - float it on the oceans of possibilities.

If you resonate with a crazy question - show some emotion and write a poetic/lyrical/musical response and/or express yourself in any of the multifarious art forms which can be published on



$ 0.46
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Written by
4 years ago
