Sleepers — Every Home Has The One (Humor)

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3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)

Sleepers. Everybody’s home has one or more. There were a lot of sleepers in the house of my childhood. Then when I got married, rather than having 2.5 kids like most Americans, we ended up with 11. E-l-e-v-e-n. Yes! I knew it was the water and I kept drinking it!

When there are several people living together under the same roof ever notice that even though most of them have the same gene pool they are so unique and different, especially when it comes to sleeping?

On one extreme you have the sleepers who could sleep through air raids. Bombs exploding. Gunfire everywhere. Sirens. They are like a bear in hibernation. They don’t wake up!

To the other extreme, there are those who … if you barely whisper their name, their eyes pop open, they spring into action, they apologize for not hearing the fire alarm (which they could not have heard since it didn’t go off) … and you have to inform them that it’s just another ordinary day and you just wanted to know if they’d be interested in having waffles for breakfast. Chocolate chip or blueberry?

Then there’s The OneMost homes have one. Some may have more. There’s The One who is snoring loud enough to wake up everybody in the neighborhood. You stand in front of them, yell their names, ring bells, shake them violently … but if you turn off the television set … “Turn that back on! I was watching it!!”

Image credit: ID 89308682 © João Carlos Lourenço | Dreamstime

How many like The One live in your house? ❤️️

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3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)
