Nobody Has a Right to be a Criminal (An Opinion Piece)

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2 years ago

I don't remember the name of the movie, but in the movie a group of guys had gotten themselves involved in a criminal act and they wanted to cover it up. One guy in the group INSISTED on handling the matter a certain way. Why did their cover- up have to be handled that way? Don't laugh. But the guy objected for religious reasons. When the others said it didn't matter which way the crime was covered up, he yelled angrily “I am not flexible on this!” Rather than try to debate with him or argue about it, they covered up their crime "his way".

What's the point I'm trying to make?

I'm trying to say that WE ALL HAVE VERY STRONG OPINIONS. Whether these are opinions based on our religion or anything else, for some of us, we feel so strongly that ... we are just not flexible about it!

I am active in a lot of social communities. So I was in one of those communities and someone asked the question about people choosing to become a criminal and why doesn't anybody ever want to hear their “side of the story”? Then they tried offered legitimate or valid excuses for the person's criminal behavior. Perhaps that person who chose to commit a crime or chose a life of crime could have been abused, etc., etc. Do people even care to know WHY they chose to commit a crime?

Well! I just can't walk away from a question like that!

I have to say something! I have a very strong opinion about it, and it's one that I am not flexible with!

Below is a summary of my strongly opinionated statements:

No matter what your circumstances are in life:
~ NOBODY has the RIGHT to be a criminal.

IF you have the health and strength, and presence of mind to CHOOSE to be a criminal, THEN you also have the health and strength, and presence of mind to CHOOSE NOT to be a criminal.

Even if you live in a society where there are no laws written in a code with a magistrate to enforce these laws, there are universal moral laws that everybody should OBEY like … don't kill, don't steal, don't covet what is not yours!!!

Sure! Some folks have a hard knock life. Instead of kisses, they get kicks! But guess what! That doesn't just happen to poor people. Some people are born into wealth and their life still sucks!! But whether you are rich or poor, neither person can use their circumstances in their life to JUSTIFY A CRIME!!

People can always say: “Such and such happened to me and that's why I chose a life of crime.” It's a lame excuse.

Furthermore, if you can use an excuse to justify your criminal choices, then I can too! How else can there be EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL?

Dear Mr. or Ms. Criminal by Choice … Do you think that you are the only one who deserves mercy instead of justice for your criminal acts?

Is that it? That's really the crux of matter, isn't it? That's why you chose to become a criminal. YOU, i.e. Mr. or Ms. Criminal by Choice … you thought you DESERVED “something” … presumably something better than what you have. And since LIFE did not GIVE it to you, you decided to TAKE IT!

So you embarked upon a life of crime and if anybody asks WHY, you'll just spit out some lame excuse about ____???_______. Whatever you put in that blank!

What do you mean the victims or the law-abiding citizens should try to understand the criminal's “side of the story”?

Hey! ALL criminals have their “reasons”.

CONCLUSION: I really don't know why a person would choose to become a criminal; and especially a lifetime gangster. So what if now that you're a criminal, you can ride in a fancy car, wear nice clothes, drink expensive liquor, and drop hundred dollar tips at a club. So what! On the flip side of that coin … You're on the "job" 24/7. You don't get to take vacation. You don't have health insurance, retirement, or life insurance. In addition, it's quite possible that because of YOUR CHOICES, you might get someone you love and care about seriously injured or killed. When you really stop to think about it … there really is no UP SIDE to the criminal life. It's all downhill.

So if you have willfully and intentionally chosen to become a criminal ... it could be one crime or a lifetime of crime ... then I guess you'll have to learn your life lesson the hard way.

Maybe you live in a rough neighborhood where everybody is a member of a gang. They tell you you need to join too if you want to be protected. Don't listen to them. IT'S A LIE!!!

It's your CHOICE. But please don't try to say you have a right to commit a crime.

Are you thinking about whether you should join a criminal gang or pursue a life of crime? If so, you should first watch The Godfather I, II and III. 🤨 🤨

NOTE: Writer's original content. First published at ForumCoin. Revised and edited for presentation here on Read.Cash.

My Other Opinion Pieces:

America is My Country: Reflecting on the American Way

You’re So Old! Must Be Time for You to Die

Yes We Know! The World is Going to End!

Dare to Dream a Different Dream

Do You Understand HOW and WHY people HATE?

Mark Zuckerberg is NOT Everybody's Daddy!

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2 years ago
