Korean Drama TV Series: Korean Peninsula (2012)

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3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)

Enjoyed watching this Korean drama television series. I don't want to spoil it so I'll throw out some remarks and hope not to reveal too much.

  • Korean dramas never fail when it comes to providing great background music. Korean Peninsula was no exception. Loved the music!

  • I thought the constant references to extracting public opinion via social media were cute! A popular social network was mentioned several times.

  • I loved all of the characters. Not one character was a useless extra. You immediately chose sides and started rooting for them to overcome whatever problems they were facing. The bad guys were bad. The good guys were good. The politicians running for office were the “imaginary kind”. You know? The kind that you wish were real. Moral. Ethical. Principled. Honorable. Fair. Honest. Decent. … Yeah. Totally unreal. A pleasant fiction, for sure!

  • Of course, there has to be a love triangle. But in this series, there were love triangles. Plural! This one loves that one, but that one loves that other one who loves somebody else ... Is anybody ever going to get to be with the person they really love?

~ Leading Lady ~ Kim Jung-eun who played the scientist Lim Jin-jae.

~ Leading Man ~ Hwang Jung-min who played the scientist Seo Myung-joon

~ Supporting male actor ~ Kwak Hee-sung who played Min Dong-ki. I know he wasn't the leading man but this guy was a real hottie! When he showed up on the scene, not in his military uniform, but wearing a tuxedo, formal wear, you can imagine all the ladies who were watching that scene fainting! He wasn't just good-looking though. He was a soldier, loyal, brave and true. He had a noble and honorable character.

A short series. Only 18 episodes. My rating for this series? 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Korean Peninsula – Drama | AsianWiki

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3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)
